Anne Le Troter’s exhibit at Bétonsalon struck me with its use of placement, sound, and technology. The placement of the speakers, benches, chairs, drawings, and melted metal all had so much thought and intentionality toContinue reading
Month: February 2022
Who’s Going to Care for the Caregivers?
Open until April 23, 2022. As you approach the Bétonsalon you begin to wonder if you are getting nervous. You can hear a constant low thumping, and you look down at your chest. IsContinue reading
Contemporary Art in Paris is on the move again!
The 2022 edition of Contemporary Art in Paris is on the move again! Our first site visit was to Bétonsalon to view Anne Le Troter’s extraordinary installation, Les Voluntaires, pigments-médicaments.
D. N. Rodowick on Stan Douglas’s “Luanda-Kinshasa
Luanda-Kinshasa (2013) by Stan Douglas Single-channel video projection, 6 hours 1 min (loop), color, sound. Overall dimensions vary with installation Showing at the Bourse de Commerce—Pinault Collection until May 30, 2022 With a running timeContinue reading