I was strolling around the Marais at the end of February when I stumbled into Galerie Nathalie Obadia right off the Rue de Renard. While I had never heard of the gallery before I feltContinue reading
Bétonsalon and Anne Le Troter
Anne Le Troter’s exhibit at Bétonsalon struck me with its use of placement, sound, and technology. The placement of the speakers, benches, chairs, drawings, and melted metal all had so much thought and intentionality toContinue reading
Who’s Going to Care for the Caregivers?
Open until April 23, 2022. As you approach the Bétonsalon you begin to wonder if you are getting nervous. You can hear a constant low thumping, and you look down at your chest. IsContinue reading
Contemporary Art in Paris is on the move again!
The 2022 edition of Contemporary Art in Paris is on the move again! Our first site visit was to Bétonsalon to view Anne Le Troter’s extraordinary installation, Les Voluntaires, pigments-médicaments.
D. N. Rodowick on Stan Douglas’s “Luanda-Kinshasa
Luanda-Kinshasa (2013) by Stan Douglas Single-channel video projection, 6 hours 1 min (loop), color, sound. Overall dimensions vary with installation Showing at the Bourse de Commerce—Pinault Collection until May 30, 2022 With a running timeContinue reading
Contemporary Art in Paris is returning in February 2022!
Watch this space for new reviews and art criticism from University of Chicago students at the Center in Paris.
Late Breaking News! Poincheval Hatches His Eggs at the Palais de Tokyo
One of the most discussed artists in our class was Abraham Poincheval, whose work is currently on view at the Palais de Tokyo. And one of the most written about works in the class wasContinue reading
Student Art Criticism Now Available for Viewing!
We’re not done yet! Please take some time to read the excellent critical analyses of of work recently on view in Paris by the students in Contemporary Art in Paris. See the “Art Criticism page,” orContinue reading
Goodbye! (For now . . .)
The last class meeting for Contemporary Art in Paris took place on Thursday, April 13. I think everyone was exhausted, yet also elated by all the exciting work we viewed and discussed over the last threeContinue reading
Talha and Sima’s Review of the Jeu de Paume
Talha’s Review: The Jeu de Paume, according to its mission statement, “has gained an international reputation as an art centre that exhibits and promotes all forms of mechanical and electronic imagery from the twentieth andContinue reading