BPRO 25800 (Spring 2021/Winter 2024) Are we doomed? Confronting the End of the World


Let me start off by saying I am not trying to convince you to become a communist. If I do, great! But more importantly, I am trying to simply bring up a conceptual framing and a vision of a future that I think has not been explored this quarter. Marxism has existed for a little over a hundred years and it is undeniable that it held powerful sway over the events of the 20th century. But the propaganda against it has obscured what it has to offer. It is now considered either utopian, or as just a philosophical curiosity. I think it has a lot more to offer. And given that we are living in the century that will determine the rest of our species’ existence, as Martin Rees pointed out, we really ought to be considering the implications of what the Marxist critique of capitalism can offer us. Similarly, the vision for the future that Marxism presents us is, when you really get into it, much less utopian than it has been portrayed, and having this revolutionary optimism for our future I think is necessary, especially as we enter the third decade of the century. I end my paper discussing some of the methodology of the transition to socialism, with a focus on revolutionary violence. I am not suggesting we be blood thirsty, seeking revenge on every company that profited from fossil fuel extraction. But if we do nothing, or are too timid, some hundreds of millions of lives may be wiped out. Entire countries gone if we don’t do enough. In the final instance, demanding change – wielding revolution if necessary: is this not a form of self defense against the forces that are allowing the seas to drown us and the carbon to smother us?

What I hope readers get is maybe a willingness to explore these ideas. Explore Marxist, Leninist, Maoist, etc. theories in good faith. By all means, be critical! But engage them with a willingness to learn. Maybe in doing so, we will synthesize some new theory, a framework for change that will guide us in solving these existential threats. Or, maybe you will finish it and think that it’s just hot air. But if we discard them as too radical, too controversial, etc. we will never find out.

I have faith that humanity will make it through this century. A little beat up, yes, but we will do it. I believe that if we come together, our collective bodies and minds can deliver us to a future that is sustainable, equitable, and just. I believe in all of you. Have a great summer. Solidarity.

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