by isabelw | Jun 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
My final project is a video essay on the Japanese anime Psycho-Pass: For my final project, I knew that I wanted to analyze a future imaginary in conversation with the themes from our...
by blakemoss | Jun 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
Our screenplay is here! When deciding on a final project, we were immediately drawn to the idea of writing a screenplay (titled: DAVIS). Part of the project was to synthesize concepts from different weeks of the course, so our screenplay for a short film covers...
by bbroner | Jun 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
How will civilization end? audio For our project we chose to record a podcast in which we debated which of the existential threats that we have discussed in class is most likely to lead to the end of the world. Jason Sheppard thinks it might be Nuclear Annihilation,...
by nataliamedina | Jun 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
The Pandemic Game Natalia Medina 7 Motivation My motivation to create an interactive game on a blog was to offer a fun and educational way of describing the many disasters we are currently facing, and the potential for these threats to become existential to...