Threads of Discord: An Anthology
Our trio’s anthology of three stories sets out to explore the effects of misinformation on different societies and its intersection with at least one other existential threat. To reflect our goal, we titled our anthology Threads of Discord. In order of appearance both...
The JEDHi Wars: Armageddon and the President
The JEDHi Wars: Armageddon and the President Winter 2024 Aaron Wineberg and Henry Lin Objective The JEDHi Wars is not just a game of technological failings but an exhibition of the dangers created by A.I. and nuclear threats. Users who play The JEDHi...
Living After Midnight: Redefining the Doomsday Clock for the Age of Progressive Existential Threats
Group Members: Mikko Hallikainen & William Dolan In 1947, artist and designer Martyl Langsdorf was commissioned by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists to create a cover image for the upcoming issue of their annual publication; something to communicate the urgency of...
Fermi’s Fate: A Game of Existential Gambits
Fermi’s Fate: A Game of Existential Gambits By Mia Simmons, Aidan Jones, Audrey Scott, and Daniela Chen We created a board game called “Fermi’s Fate: A Game of Existential Gambits” that contextualizes the existential risks covered in class, educating players and...
Report: A Compulsory Approach Against Pandemic
Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is a major disaster faced by the world in the 2020s. According to data from the World Health Organization website, as of the evening of May 3, 2023, there have been a total of 760 million confirmed COVID-19 cases globally, with 6.92...
Digital Horizons and Nuclear Shadows: Charting a Path to Global Security
Click here to view David Traub's op-ed, titled "A Call to Action: Navigating the Nuclear Precipice in Today's Geopolitical Landscape." In the shadow of burgeoning digital advancements, the specter of nuclear threats looms ominously over the global landscape,...
Virus X Response Plan
A Response Plan to Virus X Anusha Gupta and Brianna Liu For our project, we imagined a severe, hypothetical virus called Virus X and created a response plan for it from the perspective of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Link to website:...
Class syllabus
The syllabus for the class: Are We Doomed_syllabus
Self-portraits for the End of the World
By Janet and Jane Tunde Kelleher Introduction & Motivation: Poll after poll, potential crisis after potential crisis, the class concurred that, on our current trajectory, humanity is doomed, and that societal transformation has the most promise to avert such...
Doomsday International Realty
Final Project: Property Portfolio For our final project we created an architectural portfolio. Each of the residences included in the portfolio was designed in response to one of the existential crises covered in class. The project engages with the following...