AI and Personality
With our final project we wanted to tackle the question what is personality? And how our understanding of personality can be applied to AI. Using a video format we show how AI, specifically neural networks, behave in a similar way to the...
Doom on Film: Rated G
For my final assignment, I chose to do a podcast in which I discuss three children’s movies that grapple with some of the existential issues we’ve discussed in class: The Lorax, WALL-E, and The Hunger Games. I got this idea from looking at the list of recommended...
Defcon 1 Game
General Concept: For the final project in this course, we designed a board game that we believe is both fun and demonstrates the risk that nuclear war and misinformation pose to society. This game involves three to six players, who can play as any of six countries...
The Logs of Arkhipov the Spy
A Daily Log To access this project: click here. This project is a daily log from the perspective of a Russian industrial spy. I have named him Arkhipov, after the man who averted a Russian nuclear strike in 1962. As the log begins, Arkhipov is facing a difficult...
Media and the Salience of Existential Threats
Link to my Op-Ed. In week 4, I wrote my memo starting from the idea that I have a difficult time conceptualizing of the existential threat which AI poses, particularly compared to the threat of nuclear armageddon and of climate change, which I find incredibly salient....
parthogenesis (elijah smith final)
PARTHOGENESIS That links to my final. Thanks :)))
By Braedon Junker and Chris Krantz Link to website: It is often (and unfortunately) believed that individual decisions cannot help in changing the direction our climate is headed. This misperception has led to personal...
Warnings from the Future: Climate Change’s Inequitable Wrath
Chris Campo Link to Project In this course, every week’s lecture ends with a survey for the class. The survey, consistent with the course’s title, always consists of four questions: Are we doomed? Are we doomed from [insert weekly topic]? How long do we have left?...
Confronting CMEs in an Interview-Style Format
For our final project, we decided to assess the risk of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) through a series of interviews with an expert on solar phenomena. The first interview took place over zoom, and the second interview occurs in-person following a massive CME...
Epidemics & Empires: An Optimistic Game about the Human Species
An epidemic can be defined as a “Sudden, widespread occurrence of a particular undesirable phenomenon”. An empire as “an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority”. Both of which go hand in hand with the human species, interlocking...