Brainstorm for Group Project

  Guidelines and Suggestions: 1. Scope of Ideas: While the suggestions provided are meant to kickstart your brainstorming process, they’re not exhaustive. Embrace your creativity and propose unique ideas. (You’re welcome to be more innovative and bold than I am!) However, consider the project’s timeframe – about four weeks. 2. Project Milestones: Even if by […]

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Syllabus for Perspectives on LLMs: Computational, Cognitive, and Social at UChicago (2023 Fall)

Syllabus for Perspectives on Large Language Models: Computational, Cognitive, Social at The University of Chicago (Cognitive Science 20100, Linguistics 20110, Fall 2023) Instructor: Eugene Yu Ji ( Time and Location: Mon and Wed 3:00 – 4:20 pm Harper Mem Library 130 Office hours: Weds 8 – 9 pm Online or by appointment Description: In this […]

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Welcome to the University of Chicago’s course site for “Perspectives on Large Language Models: Computational, Cognitive, Social” (Fall 2023). The course is an intellectual journey that invites around 20 undergraduate students at UChicago to critically analyze, discuss, and debate about the cutting-edge advancements in LLMs and AI, as well as their impacts on education, science, […]

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