Week 5 Study Guide

Hey everyone, We’re now stepping into the second half of our course, focusing much more on evaluating LLMs and their real-world impacts. We’re moving into territory where there aren’t always clear answers, and I’ll increasingly count on your interests and contributions to help steer our discussions, less lecturing, more chatting and debating. For Monday: We’re […]

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Brainstorm for Group Project

  Guidelines and Suggestions: 1. Scope of Ideas: While the suggestions provided are meant to kickstart your brainstorming process, they’re not exhaustive. Embrace your creativity and propose unique ideas. (You’re welcome to be more innovative and bold than I am!) However, consider the project’s timeframe – about four weeks. 2. Project Milestones: Even if by […]

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Syllabus for Perspectives on LLMs: Computational, Cognitive, and Social at UChicago (2023 Fall)

Syllabus for Perspectives on Large Language Models: Computational, Cognitive, Social at The University of Chicago (Cognitive Science 20100, Linguistics 20110, Fall 2023) Instructor: Eugene Yu Ji (yuji1@uchicago.edu) Time and Location: Mon and Wed 3:00 – 4:20 pm Harper Mem Library 130 Office hours: Weds 8 – 9 pm Online or by appointment Description: In this […]

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Welcome to the University of Chicago’s course site for “Perspectives on Large Language Models: Computational, Cognitive, Social” (Fall 2023). The course is an intellectual journey that invites around 20 undergraduate students at UChicago to critically analyze, discuss, and debate about the cutting-edge advancements in LLMs and AI, as well as their impacts on education, science, […]

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