Workshop Coordinators: Cassandra Lerer and Rhya Moffitt
Faculty Sponsors: Chris Taylor and Patrick Jagoda
The 20th & 21st Century Cultures Workshop at the University of Chicago provides a forum for graduate students and faculty in the humanities and social sciences to discuss and receive feedback on works-in-progress that have stakes in the interpretation and contextualization of cultural production over the course of the last century-plus. Essentially, we aim to foster historically and theoretically rich conversations about cultural developments in the 20th and 21st centuries. The workshop focuses on presentations from graduate students who are working on substantial writing as part of their professional training, such as dissertation chapters and proposals, first publications, and conference presentations. We encourage submissions from scholars working in literary studies, cinema and media studies, art history, and cultural history.
Cassandra Lerer (
Rhya Moffitt (
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