A Concise Theory of Truly Everything is not the standard nonfiction work, attempting to sustain or expand interest in a niche subject in the hope of generating sufficient revenue to cover expenses, and perhaps provide a tiny profit to help offset the costs of its publisher’s money losing projects. Unlike these texts, the subject of my book is a matter of intense interest to most people at some point in their lives. Consequently, not only will it never cease being broadly relevant, new flare-ups in the depth of interest in it could be induced through messaging targeting subsequent generations of existential seekers, and fueled by its enlightenment of preceding generations.
From a marketing perspective, A Concise Theory of Truly Everything represents a unique hybrid that provides meaningful ontological, teleological, and eschatological insights to open-minded scholars, as well as to the existentially curious members of both the rational and mystical trade audiences. Note that, in their civilian guises, academics are also members of at least one of these trade audiences.
The academic market for A Concise Theory of Truly Everything comprises the more progressive members of the communities of scientists, philosophers, and theologians whose disciplines it syncretizes. It will provide these writers and readers of leading-edge physical theories, metaphysical conjectures, and religious commentaries, with a logical integration of their areas of study that effectively addresses many of their unresolved existential mysteries.
This audience is accessible through excerpts from the book’s underlying framework submitted to academic forums, conferences, seminars, and journals. Once these diverse freethinking scholars experience the unifying principles of modal idealism, they have the potential to be its most influential advocates, since they are among the existential thought leaders of the broader population.
A Concise Theory of Truly Everything would also be an appropriate supplementary text for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in interdisciplinary existential studies. Its accessible vocabulary and conceptual simplicity would actually be comprehensible to the typical, existentially curious high school student.
An indicator of the academic appeal of A Concise Theory of Truly Everything is the increasing interest in the selected preprint chapters posted on ResearchGate.net. The research interest in it was nil throughout 2017 (the first year it was posted), and has doubled each year since, despite the author’s lack of stature in academia. Correspondingly, number of reads of these chapters have steadily increased from none to over 400 per month, from all over the world; and continues to grow despite a dearth of promotion by the author. South Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe are the international hotbeds of academic interest; coincidently, these are also regions containing much of the growth in the world’s religious population. The chapters garnering the most interest are included in the Sample Chapters.
The rational trade market for A Concise Theory of Truly Everything comprises existentially curious individuals seeking a logical explanation of the nature of reality that identifies a special role for us within it. These are the readers and writers of science, technology, and philosophy books, magazines, podcasts, blogs, and online discussion posts that provide insights into more existential topics to a broad audience.
This audience is accessible through messaging targeting their interest in understanding and improving the human condition. Its members are generally college-educated and engaged in a lifelong quest for knowledge. They typically adopt either progressive or antipathetic stances toward the existing religious frameworks, while embracing the orthodoxy of the scientific ones.
These individuals are identifiable by their shared belief in the power of reason. They are often objective influencers of the broader population. The unrelentingly rational quality of this book—at no point does it defer to future experts, or engage in mystery worship—will undoubtedly resonate with this audience.
The mystical trade market appeal of A Concise Theory of Truly Everything derives from its purposeful, yet logical, answers to our most meaningful existential questions. These answers are consistent with the core principles of our major spiritual traditions, and so provide deep insights into the human condition that promote harmonious living within a world embodying the metaphysical extension of the dynamics of the physical sciences.
This market’s potential A Concise Theory of Truly Everything readers are seeking existential knowledge of how we came to be here, why we are here, and what will be our ultimate fate, which also manages to avoid direct conflict with the physical sciences. They are also the members of arts and entertainment audiences who share an enduring interest in spirituality-themed content that can aid in their quests for personal enlightenment.
The mystical trade market spans all ethnicities and socioeconomic strata. Those to whom A Concise Theory of Truly Everything will appeal most, fully embrace our mainstream spiritual traditions, and yet are curious about the leading edge of science; which they hope will provide them with an objective validation of their metaphysical beliefs.
This audience is identifiable by a shared belief in the power of spirit. The appeal of this book to these open-minded theists and mystics derives from the fact that it provides a rational explanation of the Divine’s existence, nature, and plan for us that is in harmony with both our deepest spiritual practices and mainstream scientific theories.
The core constituency of A Concise Theory of Truly Everything is composed of individuals who are inclined to think for themselves on existential subjects. A full appreciation of the framework it summarizes requires an open agile mind.
Although this book is succinct, contains numerous analogies, uses no specialist jargon, and requires no expert knowledge, it is by no means light summer beach reading. Despite its conceptual accessibility, the manuscript’s depth, precision, and seamless integration could prove daunting to anyone looking for enlightenment in existential sound bites.
Potential readers of this book are seeking logical solutions to our fundamental existential mysteries. It is difficult to overstate the size of this prospective audience, but it is by no means all-inclusive. For example, scholars with reputations tied to theories that the underlying framework contradicts would be inclined to ignore, dismiss, or refute its insights. Additionally, any spiritual believers who derive a personal feeling of satisfaction or fulfillment from the persistence of our existential ignorance will reflexively resist the rational enlightenment that A Concise Theory of Truly Everything aspires to convey.
Beyond those who are content with their current existential knowledge, the largest constituency of individuals outside this book’s target audience are people for whom rational answers to the Seven Theory of Truly Everything Questions are simply not important considerations in their lives. However, this indifference rarely represents a permanent state of mind since there are typically periods of existential anxiety in each person’s life during which these answers could restore their equanimity.
Ultimately, the target market of A Concise Theory of Truly Everything comprises every existential seeker whose self-esteem does not derive from the boundaries currently limiting the various disciplines charged with providing ontological, teleological, or eschatological answers.
My ethnicity, humble beginnings, and outsider status in the various fields of existential thought, have public relations—and perhaps even memoir—possibilities. However, for now they have simply left me with a small publicity platform relative to the size of this book’s potential audience. Fortunately, this prospective audience is already seeking the rational enlightenment it offers.
A Concise Theory of Truly Everything represents a unique marketing opportunity, since every philosophy, science, or spirituality book, film, television show, academic journal, scholarly paper, mass market article, radio broadcast, podcast, blog post, discussion thread, and internet meme relating to the mystery surrounding our existential origin, intrinsic purpose, or ultimate destiny has—unknowingly so far—been promoting it. The consumers of this content are all members of my publicity platform; they simply do not know it yet.