- General
- Cryo (Krios & Glacios)
- SEMs (Aquilos & Volumescope)
- TEMs (T12 Spirit & TF30)
- Other Equipment
- Training
General Use-
- If you encounter any problems with a microscope or other piece of equipment, DO NOT attempt to fix it! Immediately close the column valves (if on a microscope) and contact the core staff immediately. Please note any issues and resolutions in the log book.
- All core equipment requires initial training by core staff. Do not allow untrained users to operate the equipment during your session.
- Refresher training of all equipment is free. Please contact core staff to set this up if at least 3 months has passed since your previous use.
- Never restart any microscope or computer without permission from facility staff.
- Do not dump liquid ethane or liquid nitrogen on the floor! There are disposal dewars for liquid nitrogen. Liquid ethane should be allowed to evaporate in the fume hood.
- Data storage in the AEM Facility is only for transferring. Users are requested to remove their data from the computer ASAP. Data on the general servers that is older than 30 days may be deleted without notification to users. Larger data sets are addressed under each specific microscope below.
- Cartridge loading into the Cassettes and Cassette loading into the Krios and Glacios will be done by AEM staff. Training will be available for highly motivated users, please see training policy.
- Failure to follow the rules may result in equipment damage, which may result in 1) your lab being billed to repair the equipment and any loss recharges while the equipment is unavailable; 2) temporary loss of access to the facility or; 3) permanent loss of access for repeated rule-offenders.
- Any and all equipment should be left in the lab and EM rooms.
- Supplies at each instrument or sample preparation area should remain at that instrument or preparation area.
- All University of Chicago standard safety rules and up-to-date training for chemical, fire, radiation and electrical must be observed at all times.
- The use of heavy metals in GCIS ESB 07 is confined to the back room. All hazardous and radioactive waste needs to be properly disposed of in the assigned containers.
- Due to limited lab space, users should only store samples and solutions that are labeled and all grids, blocks, etc. should be stored in appropriate containers with appropriate labels.
- All reservations for equipment are made via our web scheduler. It is linked from our main website.
- If you can no longer use your time, delete the reservation as soon as possible. If a user frequently deletes time slots within 4 hours of the scheduled time, they will be first notified and then subsequently charged for additional time slots that are cancelled within 4 hours of the time.
- Current rules for Krios screening:
- Each user can only hold one reservation at a time.
- A user may use the entire day if the other slot is not occupied, but should not block the other slot for the day on the scheduler more than 24 hours in advance.
- Krios will be used exclusively for data collection runs- automated/multigrid “24/7”
- With multigrid collection multiple users grids can be queued up—this will allow for continuous collection over weekend.
- Every other Sunday cryo-cycle must be preformed
- Training to load the cassette into the Glacios will be available for motivated users who will need access to image over the weekend.
- Users who are trained to load a cassette into the Glacios must have their grid submission form (link) eceived by the core before 8:00AM FRIDAY. The facility reserves the right to not load grids without this form or that are of questionable clipping quality.
- Each user should screen ≤ 5 grids, as the total number of grids that can be loaded in each cassette is 11.
- Training to load cartridges into the cassette will be available for motivated users, but this will require the user to load cartridges at least 2 times per week. If the user does not load cartridges for 2 consecutive weeks, their privilege will be revoked and will have to do a refresher with AEM staff.
- If cartridges are to be saved after data collection, please provide auto-grid button and tube with appropriate label to AEM staff.
- The Glacios will be used for cryo grid screening, cryo-SPA-pilot data collections, cryo-MicroED and cryo-STEM experiments.
- The Glacios will be available in 4 specific blocks to allow overnight and weekend usage:
- Screening days are: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
- Two mapping sessions consisting of two slots are available for screening:
- Cassette 1:
- Atlas collection: ~9:00AM – 12:00PM
- Screening slots: 12:00 – 2:15PM and 2:15 – 4:30PM.
- Cassette 2:
- Atlas collection: ~5:00 – 8:00PM
- Screening slots: 8:00 – 9:15PM and 9:15 – 11:30PM
- If screening samples are to be saved, please provide auto-grid button and tube with appropriate label to AEM staff after your screening session is complete.
- If pilot-data collection is wanted please let AEM-staff know so we can help schedule it.
- Access to evening screening hours will be given after a minimum of 2 independent screening days and with AEM Facility staff approval.
- All cassettes will be loaded first thing in the morning by core staff. A grid submission form (link) for both loading sessions must be received by the core before 8:00AM. The facility reserves the right to not load grids without this form or that are of questionable clipping quality.
- Each user should screen ≤ 5 grids, as the total number of grids that can be loaded in each cassette is 11.
- Each user can only hold one reservation at a time. A user may use the entire day if the other slot is not occupied, but should not block the other slot for the day on the scheduler more than 24 hours in advance.
- Every other Sunday would be used for Cryo-cycle—depending on usage this could be every Sunday.
- Training to load the cassette into the Glacios will be available for motivated users who will need access to image over the weekend.
- Users who are trained to load a cassette into the Glacios must have their grid submission form (link) eceived by the core before 8:00AM FRIDAY. The facility reserves the right to not load grids without this form or that are of questionable clipping quality.
- Each user should screen ≤ 5 grids, as the total number of grids that can be loaded in each cassette is 11.
- Training to load cartridges into the cassette will be available for motivated users, but this will require the user to load cartridges at least 2 times per week. If the user does not load cartridges for 2 consecutive weeks, their privilege will be revoked and will have to do a refresher with AEM staff.
- Cassette 1:
- Users should verify that enough liquid nitrogen is in the facility 24-48 hours prior to the milling session.
- If submitting a sample for core staff to set up, the sample should be at the core at least 24 hours in advance.
The first 15 hours of use must be done during the regular business hours (9:00AM – 5:00PM). Once this time requirement has been met, after hours access to the microscope is granted, with staff approval.
- Users doing a long run should notify core staff 24 hours in advance, so the appropriate accessory (wafer holder/microtome) can be installed.
- If submitting a sample for core staff to set up, the sample should be at the core at least 24 hours in advance, especially if carbon coating is required.
- The first 15 hours of use must be done during the regular business hours (9:00AM – 5:00PM). Once this time requirement has been met, after hours access to the microscope is granted, with staff approval.
T12 Spirit–
- Initial microscope training is first done on the Spirit.
- The first 15 hours of use must be done during the regular business hours (9:00AM – 5:00PM). Once this time requirement has been met, after hours access to the microscope is granted, with staff approval.
- Check the scheduler – if you are the last person signed up for the day, start the cryo cycle.
- Users must be trained on the T120 Spirit before TF30 training and completed the minimum 15 hrs of T12-Spirit independent training.
- The first 15 hours of use must be done during the regular business hours (9:00AM – 5:00PM). Once this time requirement has been met, after hours access to the microscope is granted, with staff approval.
- Check the scheduler – if you are the last person signed up for the day, start the cryo cycle.
- All initial training must be done by core staff.
- At the end of the session, be sure to properly shut down the equipment:
- Turn off the Vitrobot in the back.
- Place the liquid nitrogen and liquid ethane in the appropriate locations.
- Empty the line of the ethane tank.
- Users who sign up for Vitrobot time have priority over users who do not.
High Pressure Freezer/ Automatic Freezing System-
- Users need to sign up on the scheduler for both the HPF machine and any other equipment (e.g. AFS machine) they may need.
- Please ensure that the necessary freeze substitution media is in sufficient quantity before the day of your freezing, especially if you need core staff to prepare it for you.
Please contact core staff for training policies.