Amy R. Ward


Journal Publications
  1. Yueyang Zhong, John R. Birge, and Amy R. Ward. Learning to Schedule in Multiclass Many Server Queues with Abandonment. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
  2. Angelos Aveklouris, Levi DeValve, Maximiliano Stock, and Amy R. Ward. Matching Impatient and Heterogenous Demand and Supply. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
  3. John R. Birge, Hongfan Chen, N. Bora Keskin, and Amy R. Ward. To Interfere or Not To Interfere: Information Revelation and Price-Setting Incentives in a Multiagent Learning Environment. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
  4. Angelos Aveklouris, Amber L. Puha, and Amy R. Ward. 2023. A Fluid Approximation for a Matching Model with General Reneging Distributions. Queueing Systems, published online 26 Sept. 2023.
  5. Yueyang Zhong, Raga Gopalakrishnan, and Amy R. Ward. 2023. Behavior-Aware Queueing: The Finite-Buffer Many-Server Setting. Operations Research, published online 13 July 2023. [Technical Supplement]
  6. Yueyang Zhong, Amy R. Ward, and Amber L. Puha. 2022. Asymptotically Optimal Idling in the GI/GI/N+GI Queue. Operations Research Letters 50, no. 3: 362-69.
  7. Chihoon Lee, Amy R. Ward, and Heng-Qing Ye. 2021. Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes in Heavy Traffic under General Patience Time Scaling. Queueing Systems 99, no.3-4: 283-303.
  8. Amber Puha and Amy R. Ward. 2022. Fluid Limits for Multiclass Many Server Queues with General Reneging Distributions and Head-of-Line Scheduling. Mathematics of Operations Research 47, no.2: 1192-1228.
  9. Hailong Cui, Sampath Rajagopalan, and Amy R. Ward. 2021. An Empirical Study of the Impact of Specialization, Workload, and Product Personalization on Consumer Returns. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23, no.2: 346-66. [Electronic Companion]
  10. Hailong Cui, Sampath Rajagopalan, and Amy R. Ward. 2020. Predicting Product Return Volume Using Machine Learning Methods. European Journal of Operational Research 281, no. 3 (March): 612–627.
  11. Erhun Ozkan and Amy R. Ward. 2020. Dynamic Matching for Real-time Ridesharing. Stochastic Systems 10, no. 1 (February), 29–70.
  12. Chihoon Lee, Amy R. Ward, and Heng-Qing Ye. 2020. Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes for GI/GI/1+GI Queues in Heavy Traffic. Queueing Systems 94, 147–173.
  13. Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward. 2019. Staffing, Routing, and Payment to Trade Off Speed and Quality in Large Service Systems. Operations Research 67, no. 6: 1503–1782.
  14. Amber Puha and Amy R. Ward. 2019. Tutorial Paper: Scheduling an Overloaded Multiclass Many-Server Queue with Impatient Customers. Tutorials in Operations Research: Operations Research & Management Science in the Age of Analytics, 189–217.
  15. Chihoon Lee and Amy R. Ward. 2019. Pricing and Capacity Sizing of a Service Facility: Customer Abandonment Effects. Production and Operations Management 28, no. 8: 2031–2043.
  16. Erhun Ozkan and Amy R. Ward. 2019. On the Control of Fork-Join Networks. Mathematics of Operations Research 44, no. 2: 532–564.
  17. Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward. 2018. The M/M/1+M Queue with a Utility Maximizing ServerOperations Research Letters 46, no. 5: 518–522.
  18. Jeunghyun Kim, Ramandeep Randhawa, and Amy R. Ward. 2018. Dynamic Scheduling in a Many-Server Multiclass System: The Role of Customer Impatience in Large SystemsManufacturing & Service Operations Management 20, no. 2: 285–301. [Electronic Companion]
  19. Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan, Sherwin Doroudi, Amy R. Ward, and Adam Wierman. 2016. Routing and Staffing when Servers are Strategic. Operations Research 64 no. 4, 1015–1032. [Electronic Companion]
    • An earlier version of this paper was accepted to the 15th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, June 8-12, 2014, at Stanford University.
  20. Harsha Honnappa, Rahul Jain, and Amy R. Ward. 2015. A Queueing Model with Independent Arrivals, and Its Fluid and Diffusion LimitsQueueing Systems, 80: 71–103.
  21. Levent Kocaga, Mor Armony, and Amy R. Ward. 2015. Staffing Call Centers with Uncertain Arrival Rates and Co-sourcing. Production and Operations Management 24, no. 7: 1101–1117. [Electronic Companion]
  22. Chihoon Lee and Amy R. Ward, 2014. Optimal Pricing and Capacity Sizing for the GI/GI/1 Queue. Operations Research Letters 42, no. 8: 527–531.
  23. Itai Gurvich and Amy R. Ward. 2014. On the Dynamic Control of Matching QueuesStochastic Systems 4, no. 2: 479–523.
  24. Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward. 2014. Threshold Routing to Trade-Off Waiting and Call Resolution in Call Centers. M&SOM 16, no. 2: 220–237. [Electronic Companion]
  25. Samim Ghamami and Amy R. Ward. 2013. Dynamic Scheduling of a Two-Server Parallel Server System with Complete Resource Pooling and Reneging in Heavy Traffic: Asymptotic Optimality of a Two-Threshold Policy. Mathematics of Operations Research 38, no. 4: 761–824.
  26. Amy R. Ward and Mor Armony. 2013. Blind Fair Routing in Large-Scale Service Systems with Heterogeneous Customers and Servers. Operations Research 61, no. 1: 228–243. [Electronic Companion]
  27. Jeunghyun Kim and Amy R. Ward. 2013. Dynamic Scheduling of a GI/GI/1+GI Queue with Multiple Customer Classes. Queueing Systems 75: 339–384.
  28. Josh Reed, Amy R. Ward, and Dongyuan Zhan. 2013. On the Generalized Skorokhod Problem in One Dimension. Journal of Applied Probability 50, no. 1: 16–28.
  29. Amy R. Ward. 2012. Asymptotic Analysis of Queueing Systems with Reneging: A Survey of Results for FIFO, Single Class Models. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science 17, no. 1: 1–14.
  30. Yasar Levent Kocaga and Amy R. Ward. 2010. Admission Control for a Multi-Server Queue with Abandonment. Queueing Systems 65, no. 3: 275–323.
  31. Mor Armony and Amy R. Ward. 2010. Fair Dynamic Routing in Large-Scale Heterogeneous-Server Systems. Operations Research 58, no. 3: 624–637. [Electronic Companion]
  32. Vasiliki Kostami and Amy R. Ward. 2009. Managing Service Systems with an Offline Waiting Option and Customer Abandonment. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11, no. 4: 644–656. [Electronic CompanionAdditional Note]
  33. Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward. 2008. Optimal Control of a High Volume Assemble-to-Order System with Leadtime Quotation and Expediting. Queueing Systems 60: 1–69.
  34. Josh Reed and Amy R. Ward. 2008. Approximating the GI/GI/1+GI Queue with a Nonlinear Drift Diffusion: Hazard Rate Scaling in Heavy Traffic. Mathematics of Operations Research 33, no. 3: 606–644.
  35. Amy R. Ward and Sunil Kumar. 2008. Asymptotically Optimal Admission Control of a Queue with Impatient Customers. Mathematics of Operations Research 33, no. 1: 167–202.
  36. Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward. 2007. Note: A Separation Principle for a Class of Assemble-to-Order Systems with ExpeditingOperations Research 55, no. 3: 603–609.
  37. Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward. 2006. Optimal Control of a High Volume Assemble-to-Order System. Mathematics of Operations Research 31, no. 3: 453–477.
  38. Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn. 2005. A Diffusion Approximation for a GI/GI/1 Queue with Balking of Reneging. Queueing Systems 50, no. 4: 371–400.
  39. Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn. 2003. Properties of the Reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process. Queueing Systems 44, no. 2: 109–123.
  40. Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn. 2003. A Diffusion Approximation for a Markovian Queue with Reneging. Queueing Systems 43: 103–128.
  41. Amy R. Ward and Nicholas Bambos. 2003. On Stability of Queueing Networks with Job Deadlines. Journal of Applied Probability 40, no. 2: 293–304.
  42. Yih-Choung Teh and Amy R. Ward. 2002. Critical Thresholds for Dynamic Routing in Queueing Networks. Queueing Systems 42, no. 3: 297–316.
  43. Amy R. Ward, Peter W. Glynn, and Kathy Richardson. 1998. Internet Service Performance Failure Detection. Performance Evaluation Review 26, no. 3: 38–43.
Book Chapters
  1. Amy R. Ward and Ward Whitt. 2002. “Predicting Response Times in Processor-Sharing Queues.” In D. MacDonald and S.R.E. Turner, editors, Analysis of Communication Networks: Call Centres, Traffic, and Performance, Fields Institute Communication Series, 28, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1–29.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Antonio Castellanos, Andrew Daw, Amy R. Ward, and Galit B. Yom-Tov. 2024. Closing the Service: Contrasting Activity-Based and Time-Based Systematic Closure Policies. Accepted to the Winter Simulation Conference 2024.
  2. Bingxuan Li, Antonio Castellanos, Pengyi Shi, Amy R. Ward. 2024. Combining Machine Learning and Queueing Theory for Data-driven Incarceration-Diversion Program Management. Accepted to the Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) 2024.
  3. Zhiqiang Zhang, Pengyi Shi, and Amy R. Ward. 2022. Routing for Fairness and Efficiency in a Queueing Model with Reentry and Continuous Customer Classes. In Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference (ACC).
  4. Yueyang Zhong, YeeMan Bergstrom, and Amy R Ward. 2020. Data-Driven Market-Making via Model-Free Learning. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-20): Special Track on AI in FinTech, January 2021.
  5. Josh Reed and Amy R. Ward. 2004. A Diffusion Approximation for a Generalized Jackson Network with Reneging. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sept. 29–Oct. 1.
  6. Amy R. Ward, Peter W. Glynn, and Kathy Richardson. 1998. Internet Service Performance Failure Detection. In Proceedings of the 1998 Internet Server Performance Workshop, Madison, WI, 103–109.
  7. Stephen G. Eick and Amy R. Ward. 1996. An Interactive Visualization for Message Sequence Charts. In Proceedings for the Fourth Workshop on Program Comprehension, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2–8.