Journal Publications
- Yueyang Zhong, John R. Birge, and Amy R. Ward. Learning to Schedule in Multiclass Many Server Queues with Abandonment. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
- Angelos Aveklouris, Levi DeValve, Maximiliano Stock, and Amy R. Ward. Matching Impatient and Heterogenous Demand and Supply. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
- John R. Birge, Hongfan Chen, N. Bora Keskin, and Amy R. Ward. To Interfere or Not To Interfere: Information Revelation and Price-Setting Incentives in a Multiagent Learning Environment. Forthcoming in Operations Research.
- Angelos Aveklouris, Amber L. Puha, and Amy R. Ward. 2023. A Fluid Approximation for a Matching Model with General Reneging Distributions. Queueing Systems, published online 26 Sept. 2023.
- Yueyang Zhong, Raga Gopalakrishnan, and Amy R. Ward. 2023. Behavior-Aware Queueing: The Finite-Buffer Many-Server Setting. Operations Research, published online 13 July 2023. [Technical Supplement]
- Yueyang Zhong, Amy R. Ward, and Amber L. Puha. 2022. Asymptotically Optimal Idling in the GI/GI/N+GI Queue. Operations Research Letters 50, no. 3: 362-69.
- Chihoon Lee, Amy R. Ward, and Heng-Qing Ye. 2021. Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes in Heavy Traffic under General Patience Time Scaling. Queueing Systems 99, no.3-4: 283-303.
- Amber Puha and Amy R. Ward. 2022. Fluid Limits for Multiclass Many Server Queues with General Reneging Distributions and Head-of-Line Scheduling. Mathematics of Operations Research 47, no.2: 1192-1228.
- Hailong Cui, Sampath Rajagopalan, and Amy R. Ward. 2021. An Empirical Study of the Impact of Specialization, Workload, and Product Personalization on Consumer Returns. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23, no.2: 346-66. [Electronic Companion]
- Hailong Cui, Sampath Rajagopalan, and Amy R. Ward. 2020. Predicting Product Return Volume Using Machine Learning Methods. European Journal of Operational Research 281, no. 3 (March): 612–627.
- Erhun Ozkan and Amy R. Ward. 2020. Dynamic Matching for Real-time Ridesharing. Stochastic Systems 10, no. 1 (February), 29–70.
- Chihoon Lee, Amy R. Ward, and Heng-Qing Ye. 2020. Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes for GI/GI/1+GI Queues in Heavy Traffic. Queueing Systems 94, 147–173.
- Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward. 2019. Staffing, Routing, and Payment to Trade Off Speed and Quality in Large Service Systems. Operations Research 67, no. 6: 1503–1782.
- Amber Puha and Amy R. Ward. 2019. Tutorial Paper: Scheduling an Overloaded Multiclass Many-Server Queue with Impatient Customers. Tutorials in Operations Research: Operations Research & Management Science in the Age of Analytics, 189–217.
- Chihoon Lee and Amy R. Ward. 2019. Pricing and Capacity Sizing of a Service Facility: Customer Abandonment Effects. Production and Operations Management 28, no. 8: 2031–2043.
- Erhun Ozkan and Amy R. Ward. 2019. On the Control of Fork-Join Networks. Mathematics of Operations Research 44, no. 2: 532–564.
- Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward. 2018. The M/M/1+M Queue with a Utility Maximizing Server. Operations Research Letters 46, no. 5: 518–522.
- Jeunghyun Kim, Ramandeep Randhawa, and Amy R. Ward. 2018. Dynamic Scheduling in a Many-Server Multiclass System: The Role of Customer Impatience in Large Systems. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20, no. 2: 285–301. [Electronic Companion]
- Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan, Sherwin Doroudi, Amy R. Ward, and Adam Wierman. 2016. Routing and Staffing when Servers are Strategic. Operations Research 64 no. 4, 1015–1032. [Electronic Companion]
- An earlier version of this paper was accepted to the 15th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, June 8-12, 2014, at Stanford University.
- Harsha Honnappa, Rahul Jain, and Amy R. Ward. 2015. A Queueing Model with Independent Arrivals, and Its Fluid and Diffusion Limits. Queueing Systems, 80: 71–103.
- Levent Kocaga, Mor Armony, and Amy R. Ward. 2015. Staffing Call Centers with Uncertain Arrival Rates and Co-sourcing. Production and Operations Management 24, no. 7: 1101–1117. [Electronic Companion]
- Chihoon Lee and Amy R. Ward, 2014. Optimal Pricing and Capacity Sizing for the GI/GI/1 Queue. Operations Research Letters 42, no. 8: 527–531.
- Itai Gurvich and Amy R. Ward. 2014. On the Dynamic Control of Matching Queues, Stochastic Systems 4, no. 2: 479–523.
- Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward. 2014. Threshold Routing to Trade-Off Waiting and Call Resolution in Call Centers. M&SOM 16, no. 2: 220–237. [Electronic Companion]
- Samim Ghamami and Amy R. Ward. 2013. Dynamic Scheduling of a Two-Server Parallel Server System with Complete Resource Pooling and Reneging in Heavy Traffic: Asymptotic Optimality of a Two-Threshold Policy. Mathematics of Operations Research 38, no. 4: 761–824.
- Amy R. Ward and Mor Armony. 2013. Blind Fair Routing in Large-Scale Service Systems with Heterogeneous Customers and Servers. Operations Research 61, no. 1: 228–243. [Electronic Companion]
- Jeunghyun Kim and Amy R. Ward. 2013. Dynamic Scheduling of a GI/GI/1+GI Queue with Multiple Customer Classes. Queueing Systems 75: 339–384.
- Josh Reed, Amy R. Ward, and Dongyuan Zhan. 2013. On the Generalized Skorokhod Problem in One Dimension. Journal of Applied Probability 50, no. 1: 16–28.
- Amy R. Ward. 2012. Asymptotic Analysis of Queueing Systems with Reneging: A Survey of Results for FIFO, Single Class Models. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science 17, no. 1: 1–14.
- Yasar Levent Kocaga and Amy R. Ward. 2010. Admission Control for a Multi-Server Queue with Abandonment. Queueing Systems 65, no. 3: 275–323.
- Mor Armony and Amy R. Ward. 2010. Fair Dynamic Routing in Large-Scale Heterogeneous-Server Systems. Operations Research 58, no. 3: 624–637. [Electronic Companion]
- Vasiliki Kostami and Amy R. Ward. 2009. Managing Service Systems with an Offline Waiting Option and Customer Abandonment. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11, no. 4: 644–656. [Electronic Companion, Additional Note]
- Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward. 2008. Optimal Control of a High Volume Assemble-to-Order System with Leadtime Quotation and Expediting. Queueing Systems 60: 1–69.
- Josh Reed and Amy R. Ward. 2008. Approximating the GI/GI/1+GI Queue with a Nonlinear Drift Diffusion: Hazard Rate Scaling in Heavy Traffic. Mathematics of Operations Research 33, no. 3: 606–644.
- Amy R. Ward and Sunil Kumar. 2008. Asymptotically Optimal Admission Control of a Queue with Impatient Customers. Mathematics of Operations Research 33, no. 1: 167–202.
- Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward. 2007. Note: A Separation Principle for a Class of Assemble-to-Order Systems with Expediting, Operations Research 55, no. 3: 603–609.
- Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward. 2006. Optimal Control of a High Volume Assemble-to-Order System. Mathematics of Operations Research 31, no. 3: 453–477.
- Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn. 2005. A Diffusion Approximation for a GI/GI/1 Queue with Balking of Reneging. Queueing Systems 50, no. 4: 371–400.
- Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn. 2003. Properties of the Reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process. Queueing Systems 44, no. 2: 109–123.
- Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn. 2003. A Diffusion Approximation for a Markovian Queue with Reneging. Queueing Systems 43: 103–128.
- Amy R. Ward and Nicholas Bambos. 2003. On Stability of Queueing Networks with Job Deadlines. Journal of Applied Probability 40, no. 2: 293–304.
- Yih-Choung Teh and Amy R. Ward. 2002. Critical Thresholds for Dynamic Routing in Queueing Networks. Queueing Systems 42, no. 3: 297–316.
- Amy R. Ward, Peter W. Glynn, and Kathy Richardson. 1998. Internet Service Performance Failure Detection. Performance Evaluation Review 26, no. 3: 38–43.
Book Chapters
- Amy R. Ward and Ward Whitt. 2002. “Predicting Response Times in Processor-Sharing Queues.” In D. MacDonald and S.R.E. Turner, editors, Analysis of Communication Networks: Call Centres, Traffic, and Performance, Fields Institute Communication Series, 28, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1–29.
Conference Proceedings
- Antonio Castellanos, Andrew Daw, Amy R. Ward, and Galit B. Yom-Tov. 2024. Closing the Service: Contrasting Activity-Based and Time-Based Systematic Closure Policies. Accepted to the Winter Simulation Conference 2024.
- Bingxuan Li, Antonio Castellanos, Pengyi Shi, Amy R. Ward. 2024. Combining Machine Learning and Queueing Theory for Data-driven Incarceration-Diversion Program Management. Accepted to the Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) 2024.
- Zhiqiang Zhang, Pengyi Shi, and Amy R. Ward. 2022. Routing for Fairness and Efficiency in a Queueing Model with Reentry and Continuous Customer Classes. In Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference (ACC).
- Yueyang Zhong, YeeMan Bergstrom, and Amy R Ward. 2020. Data-Driven Market-Making via Model-Free Learning. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-20): Special Track on AI in FinTech, January 2021.
- Josh Reed and Amy R. Ward. 2004. A Diffusion Approximation for a Generalized Jackson Network with Reneging. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sept. 29–Oct. 1.
- Amy R. Ward, Peter W. Glynn, and Kathy Richardson. 1998. Internet Service Performance Failure Detection. In Proceedings of the 1998 Internet Server Performance Workshop, Madison, WI, 103–109.
- Stephen G. Eick and Amy R. Ward. 1996. An Interactive Visualization for Message Sequence Charts. In Proceedings for the Fourth Workshop on Program Comprehension, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2–8.