Spring 2016 Schedule

Harris School/Center for East Asian Studies, 1155 E 60th St

Harris School/Center for East Asian Studies, 1155 E 60th St

Unless otherwise noted our workshop meets from 3-5 p.m. at 1155 E 60th St (60th and Woodlawn) in Room 319.

Spring 2016 Schedule

April 15 (F), Han Zhang (East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago)

April 26 (T), 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Janet Poole (Associate Professor, East Asian Studies, University of Toronto) * note time and date

May 6 (F), Junko Yamazaki (Cinema and Media Studies/East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago)

May 20 (F), William Feeney (Anthropology, University of Chicago)

May 27 (F), Documentary Roundtable

June 3 (F), Anne Rebull (East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago)

If you are interested in presenting at the workshop, please contact David Krolikoski (davidkroli at uchicago.edu) or Brian White (bmwhite at uchicago.edu).
