Cho Boo-soo, 수련 (Water lily), 116.8×91cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2010.
3/30 Yujie Li, PhD Student in History
“Birth of the Phoenix Bicycle: Standardization and Socialist Firm Formation in the Early PRC”
Time & location: 3:00-5:00pm in CEAS 319
4/13 Hoyt Long, Associate Professor of Japanese Literature in EALC
“A History of Distant Reading in Japan”
Time & location: 3:00-5:00pm in CEAS 319
5/1 Corey Byrnes, Assistant Professor of Modern Chinese Literature at Northwestern University
“Defining the Chinese Landscape of Desolation in Teaching and Research“
Time & location: 5:00pm-7:00pm in Cochrane-Woods Art Center 152
Co-sponsored with the Visual and Material Perspectives on East Asia Workshop
5/18 Sohye Kim, PhD Candidate in EALC; David Krolikoski, PhD Candidate in EALC; Kyle Peters, PhD Candidate in EALC; Yiren Zheng, PhD Candidate in EALC
Pedagogy Roundtable: Syllabi Workshop
Time & location: 3:00-5:00pm in Wieboldt 301N
6/1 Jun Hee Lee, PhD Candidate in History
“Let the People Sing: Politico-Musical Ideas and Practices in the Early Utagoe Movement, 1948-1955″
Time & location: 3:00-5:00pm in CEAS 319