Exploring the Philosophical and Historical Dimensions of Contemporary Japan by Tracing Three “Turns”

The Art and Politics in East Asia Workshop


Exploring the Philosophical and Historical Dimensions of

Contemporary Japan by Tracing Three “Turns”

A Special Presentation By:

Iwasaki Minoru

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

“The ‘Memorial’ Turn in Contemporary Philosophy”

Narita Ryûichi

Japan Women’s University

“Spatial Turn and Temporal Turn in Contemporary Historical Studies.”

Monday, March 30

Social Sciences 302

4:30-6:30 PM

There is no paper for this talk. The talk will be in Japanese with English translation.


Throughout the long latter half of the twentieth century, “Japan” took its actions and thought within the framework of the “postwar.” Today, however, this “postwar” has come to an end, and “Japan” has entered a “post-‘postwar’” condition. In our presentations, we will discuss “contemporary” Japan as the “post-‘postwar’” by exploring three “turns” in memory, time and space.

Iwasaki Minoru is Professor of philosophy and political thought at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He is the co-editor of 戦後日本スタディーズ3 – 80, 90年代 (Postwar Japan Studies 3: 1980-90s, 2008) and継続する植民地主義ジェンダー/民族/人種/階級 (Continuing Colonialism: Gender, Nation, Race, and Class, 2005). His published articles include “歴史学における想起と忘却の問題系(“Problematique of Recollection and Oblivion in Historical Studies”, 2002), and “Desire for a Poietic Metasubject: Miki Kiyoshi’s Technology Theory in Total War and Modernization (Yamanouchi Yasushi, J. Victor Koschmann and Narita Ryûichi eds., Cornell UP, 1998).

Narita Ryûichi is Professor of modern Japanese history at Japan Women’s University. He is the author of大正デモクラシー (Taisho Democracy, 2007), 歴史学のポジショナリティ歴史叙述とその周辺 (Positionality of Historical Studies – Historical Narratives and their Surroundings, 2006),歴史はいかに語られるか―1930年代「国民の物語」批判 (In What Way “History” is Narrated: Criticism of “National Narratives” in the 1930s, 2001), and「故郷」という物語都市空間の歴史学 (Narratives of Native Place”: Historical Studies of Urban Space,1998), and the co-editor of Total War and “Modernization” (Cornell UP, 1998).

Issues in Conceptualizing Japanese Garden Art

The Art and Politics in East Asia Workshop


Issues in Conceptualizing Japanese Garden Art

Camelia Nakagawara

Ph. D Candidate

Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations

With a response offered by

Brian Bergstrom, Ph.D student, EALC

Friday, March 6
4:00-6:00 p.m.

Judd 313

There is no paper for this workshop.


For many centuries, “Japanese gardens” have been both a source of fascination and an object of mystification for Japanese and non-Japanese alike. Partly by overemphasizing certain themes or aspects, partly by overlooking others, images of Japanese gardens can alter our perception of their materiality. How are gardens transformed by their representations in the media? What is lost in those representations and what is created as a result? How are gardens drawn in a dialogue with political agendas, and what are the factors or features that make such a dialogue lucrative? This presentation will provide some examples that attempt to address such questions and initiate a critical approach departing from current literature on Japanese gardens.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list and receive workshop updates, please contact ktanaka@uchicago.edu

Persons with a disability who believe they may need assistance, please email Kathryn Tanaka at ktanaka@uchicago.edu or Tomoko Seto at tseto@uchicago.edu

Reconsidering Japanese education: encounters between children and teachers in prewar and wartime Japan

The Art and Politics in East Asia Workshop


Reconsidering Japanese education: 
encounters between children and teachers in 
prewar and wartime Japan

Mika Endo

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations

With a response offered by

Yoon Sun Yang, Ph.D candidate, EALC

Friday, January 23
4:00-6:00 p.m.

Judd 313

Please click on the link above to download the paper.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list and receive workshop updates, please contact ktanaka@uchicago.edu

Persons with a disability who believe they may need assistance, please email Kathryn Tanaka at ktanaka@uchicago.edu or Tomoko Seto at tseto@uchicago.edu