Azeem M. Shaikh is the Ralph and Mary Otis Isham Professor of Economics in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics and Co-Director of the Becker Friedman Institute’s Big Data Initiative. His research interests lie broadly in econometric theory, including multiple testing problems, resampling methods such as the bootstrap, subsampling and randomization tests, partially identified models with an emphasis on inferential issues in such models, and applications of these ideas. His research has been recognized via support from the National Science Foundation, the Dennis J. Aigner Award for Applied Econometrics, a Hoover National Fellowship, and an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. He is also an elected fellow of the Econometric Society and the International Association for Applied Econometrics and presently an Associate Editor at the Econometrics Journal and the Journal of Econometrics. He holds a B.S. in mathematics from Duke University and a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University.