4-7-8 Breathing
4-7-8 breathing, akin to breathing practices like Alternate Nostril Breathing or other mindfulness exercises, is a pattern developed by Dr. Andrew Weil based in the yogic technique pranayama. 4-7-8 gives your body a large oxygen boost and forces the mind and body to focus on regulating the breath, rather than replaying your worries when you lie down at night. Dr. Weil has described it as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system” and proponents say this relaxation method regulates the fight-or-flight response we feel when we’re stressed, and helps with sleeplessness.
How to do 4-7-8:
– Find a moment to relax and sit or lie comfortably
– Exhale fully out of your mouth making a whooshing sound
– Inhale silently through your nose as you count to 4 in your head
– Hold you breath there, for 7 seconds
– Make another whooshing exhale for 8 seconds.
Do not overdo 4-7-8 breath! If you wish to begin practicing, try doing 3 or 4 breaths at most per day.
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