Archives for December, 2020
Silicosis (n.);
The American Lung Association defines silicosis as the following: Silicosis is an interstitial lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica, a common mineral found in many...
Juliana Spahr’s Respiratory Solidarity
(Content warning in NYT image detail for injury). For my post I’d like to offer a brief sketch, a reading of Juliana Spahr’s “poemwrittenafterseptember11/2001.” On September 12th 2001,...
Fluffy Sound
Following my Breathworks entry on Tremoring Breath in Fitzmaurice Voicework, here I want to provide a definition and explication of the vocal/respiratory synchronization that attends the tremor: fluffy sound. Master...
Murubutu, L’Uomo che Viaggiava nel Vento
Alessio Mariani is a high-school professor of Italian Literature and History in Reggio Emilia. He is also a rapper, artistically known as Murubutu. His style of rap mixes hip-hop...