Author Archives: mstableinjr
Fluffy Sound
Following my Breathworks entry on Tremoring Breath in Fitzmaurice Voicework, here I want to provide a definition and explication of the vocal/respiratory synchronization that attends the tremor: fluffy sound. Master...
Destructuring/Restructuring: Tremoring Breath in Fitzmaurice Voicework
By: Michael Stablein, Jr. One of the leading teachers of the speaking voice, Catherine Fitzmaurice, is known best for her development of the Fitzmaurice Voicework: a vocal training discipline...
AAA-AAA: Breath as Object, Breath as Relation
By: Michael Stablein, Jr. Click here for video recording of my presentation In the title to Marina Abramović and Ulay’s 1978 work of performance, AAA-AAA, we are already presented...