BREATHE Laboratory

Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT) 2025 Annual Meeting

Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT) 2025 Annual Meeting

Dr. Brett and CARL PI Dr. King attended this year’s annual meeting for SRNT in New Orleans. Fun fact: Last time they attended this conference, it was 2020 and the very week the world was shutting down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We presented work from Dr. Brett’s NIDA K99 at one of SRNT’s poster sessions, which was co-authored by CARL colleague Sarah Noone. The poster received great feedback and led to many fun discussions.

Dr. King co-chaired and presented her talk on the use of biomarkers to confirm (or not confirm.. see the in press paper [Brett et al., Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, & Prevention] for details!) self-reported smoking reductions and possible reduced harm within the context of a smoking reduction trial in Black adults who smoke. Their symposium was focused on clinical advances towards tobacco health equity in Black/African American populations and was a great session.

Dr. Brett also presented a talk during a symsposium focused on novel assessments of craving in diverse populations. In this talk, we compared responses to an e-cigarette cue between Black and White adults who smoke. The discussion led to some interesting questions and great feedback from the audience.

May 31st: World No Tobacco Day

May 31st: World No Tobacco Day

In 1998, the World Health Organization (WHO) created World No Tobacco Day to raise awareness around the global impact of tobacco-related disease and mortality. This year’s focus is on “unmasking the appeal” of cigarette smoking/tobacco use. Each year this is celebrated on May 31st. Click here to learn more.

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