
Articles and Book Chapters

“Consumption and Income Inequality in the U.S. Since the 1960s” (with James X. Sullivan). Journal of Political Economy 131:2 (February 2023), pp. 247-284. (Lead Article).

“Real-Time Poverty, Material Well-Being and the Child Tax Credit” (with Jeehoon Han and James X. Sullivan), National Tax Journal, 75:4 (December 2022), pp. 817-846.

“Errors in Survey Reporting and Imputation and their Effects on Estimates of Food Stamp Program Participation” (with Robert M. Goerge and Nikolas Mittag). Journal of Human Resources 57:5 (September 2022), pp. 1605-1643.

“The Change in Poverty from 1995 to 2016 among Single Parent Families” (with Kevin Corinth and Derek Wu) American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings 112:345-350 (May 2022).

“The Consumption, Income and Well-Being of Single Mother Headed Families 25 Years After Welfare Reform,” (with Jeehoon Han and James X. Sullivan). National Tax Journal 74:3 (September 2021), pp. 791-824.

“The Accuracy of Tax Imputations: Estimating Tax Liabilities and Credits Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data” (with Derek Wu, Grace Finley, Patrick Langetieg, Carla Medalia, Mark Payne and Alan Plumley). in Measuring and Understanding the Distribution and Intra and Intergenerational Mobility of Income and Wealth, NBER.

“An Empirical Total Survey Error Decomposition Using Data Combination,” (with Nikolas Mittag). Journal of Econometrics, 224:2 (October 2021), pp. 286-305.

“The Use and Misuse of Income Data and Extreme Poverty in the United States,” (with Carla Medalia, Victoria Mooers and Derek Wu). Journal of Labor Economics 39:S1 (January 2021), pp. S5-S58.
“Income and Poverty in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” (with Jeehoon Han and James X. Sullivan). Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Summer 2020 Special Edition, pp. 85-118.
“Inequality in the Joint Distribution of Consumption and Time Use” (with Jeehoon Han and James X. Sullivan). Journal of Public Economics. 191(November 2020) pp. 1-21.
“Learning about the Poor Using Ethnography, Household Surveys, and Administrative Data” forthcoming in Missing Data: The Role of Ethnographic Research in Filling Data Gaps, American Enterprise Institute.
“Misreporting of Government Transfers: How Important are Survey Design and Geography?” (with Nikolas Mittag), Southern Economic Journal. 86:1 (2019), pp. 230- 253.
“Linking Survey and Administrative Data to Measure Income, Inequality, and Mobility” (with Carla Medalia, Amy O’Hara and Derek Wu) International Journal of Population Data Science. Published online: Jan 31, 2019. Winner of the Administrative Data Research Facilities (ADRF) Network 2018 Annual Conference best paper award.
“Creating Improved Survey Data Products using Linked Administrative-Survey Data” (with Michael Davern and Nikolas Mittag) Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 7:3 (September 2019), pp. 440-463.
“Combining Administrative and Survey Data to Improve Income Measurement” (with Nikolas Mittag), forthcoming in Administrative Records for Survey Methodology, edited by Asaph Young Chun, Mike Larsen, Jerry Reiter and Gabriel Durrant, Wiley, 2020.
“Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Better Measure Income: Implications for Poverty, Program Effectiveness and Holes in the Safety Net,” (with Nikolas Mittag), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 11: 2 (April 2019), pp. 176-204.
“Disability, Earnings, Income and Consumption” (with Wallace K. C. Mok) Journal of Public Economics. 171 (March 2019), pp. 51-69.
“The Poverty Reduction of Social Security and Means-Tested Transfers” (with Derek Wu) Industrial and Labor Relations Review 71: 5 (October 2018), pp. 1106- 1153.
“Disability, Taxes, Transfers and the Economic Well-Being of Women” (with Wallace K. C. Mok). 2018. Tax Policy and the Economy 32, pp. 211-253.
“Childhood Medicaid Coverage and Later Life Health Care Utilization” (with Laura R. Wherry, Sarah Miller, and Robert Kaestner), Review of Economics and Statistics, 100(2) 2018, pp. 287-302. Received 2018 HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year Award.
Health Insurance
“Misclassification in Binary Choice Models” (with Nikolas Mittag), Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017), 295-311.
Measurement Error, Research Methods and Econometrics
“The Earned Income Tax Credit” in A Safety Net That Works: Improving Federal Programs for Low-Income Americans, Robert Doar editor, American Enterprise Institute: Washington DC, 2017, 1-18.
Tax Policy
“Saving Teens: Using a Policy Discontinuity to Estimate the Effects of Medicaid Eligibility” (with Laura Wherry) Journal of Human Resources, Summer 2016, pp. 556- 588. Received 2017 AcademyHealth Article-of-the-Year Award.
Health Insurance
“Household Surveys in Crisis” (with Wallace K.C. Mok and James X. Sullivan) Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2015, 199-226.
Measurement Error, Survey Research
“The Validity of Consumption Data: Are the Consumer Expenditure Interview and Diary Surveys Informative?” 2015. (with Adam Bee and James X. Sullivan) in Improving the Measurement of Consumer Expenditures, Christopher Carroll, Thomas Crossley, and John Sabelhaus, editors. University of Chicago Press, 2015, 204-240. Also see longer version available as NBER Working Paper 18308, August 2012.
Survey Research
“A Short Review of Recent Evidence on the Disincentive Effects of Unemployment Insurance and New Evidence from New York State” (with Wallace K. C. Mok), National Tax Journal, 2014 67(1): 219-252. Also see earlier version available as “Quasi- Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Unemployment Insurance from New York State,” NBER Working Paper 12865, January 2007.
Unemployment Insurance
“Consumption and Income Inequality and the Great Recession” (with James X. Sullivan). American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 2013, 178-183.
Poverty and Inequality
“The Economic Consequences of Disability in America: Evidence from the PSID.” (with Wallace K.C. Mok) in Lifecycle Events and their Consequences, edited by Ken Couch, Mary Daly, and Julie Zissimopoulos. Stanford University Press: Palo Alto, CA, 2013, 240-259.
“Winning the War: Poverty from the Great Society to the Great Recession” (with James X. Sullivan). Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2012, 133-200.
Poverty and Inequality
“Consumption and Income Poverty in the U.S.” (with James X. Sullivan) in The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty, edited by Philip N. Jefferson, 2012, 49-74.
Poverty and Inequality
“Identifying the Disadvantaged: Official Poverty, Consumption Poverty, and the New Supplemental Poverty Measure,” (with James X. Sullivan). Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2012, 111-136.
Poverty and Inequality
“Consumption and Income Poverty Over the Business Cycle,” (with James X. Sullivan), Research in Labor Economics 32, 2011, 51-81. Outstanding Author Contribution Award Winner for best paper in volume, Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012.
“Viewpoint: Further Results on Measuring the Well-Being of the Poor using Income and Consumption,” (with James X. Sullivan). Canadian Journal of Economics 44 (1) February 2011, 52-87.
“The Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Recent Reforms,” in Tax Policy and the Economy 24, edited by Jeffrey Brown, M.I.T. Press, 2010, 153-180.
Tax Policy
“Reflections on Economic Mobility and Policy” in Strategies for Improving Economic Mobility of Workers: Bridging Research and Practice, Maude Toussaint-Comeau and Bruce D. Meyer, eds., Kalamazoo, Michigan: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2009, 79-88.
“Changes in the Consumption, Income, and Well-Being of Single Mother Headed Families,” (with James X. Sullivan) American Economic Review 98(5) December 2008, 2221-41.
Poverty and Inequality
“A Note on ‘The Longitudinal Structure of Earnings Losses among Work-Limited Disabled Workers’” (with Wallace K. C. Mok, Kerwin Kofi Charles and Alexandra C. Achen) Journal of Human Resources. 43(3): Summer 2008, 721-728.
“The U.S. Earned Income Tax Credit: Its Effects and Possible Reforms,” Swedish Economic Policy Review 14(2) Fall 2007, 55-80.
Tax Policy
Tax Policy, Unemployment Insurance
“Work Costs and Nonconvex Preferences in the Estimation of Labor Supply Models” (with Bradley T. Heim), Journal of Public Economics 88, 2004, 2323-2338.
Labor Supply
“The Effects of Welfare and Tax Reform: The Material Well-Being of Single Mothers in the 1980s and 1990s” (with James X. Sullivan), Journal of Public Economics 88, 2004, 1387-1420.
“Measuring the Well-Being of the Poor Using Income and Consumption” (with James X. Sullivan), Journal of Human Resources 38 Supplement, 2003, 1180-1220.
Poverty and Inequality
“The Effect of Immigration on Native Self-Employment” (with Robert W. Fairlie), Journal of Labor Economics 21, July 2003, 619-650.
“Labor Supply at the Extensive and Intensive Margins: The EITC, Welfare and Hours Worked” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 92, May 2002, 373-379.
Labor Supply, Tax Policy
“Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation Programmes: Rationale, Design, Labour Supply and Income Support,” Fiscal Studies 23, March 2002, 1-49. Also appeared in The Economics of Public Spending, edited by David Miles, Gareth Myles and Ian Preston, Oxford University Press, 2003, 153-198.
“Labor Supply Effects of Social Insurance,” (with Alan B. Krueger) in Handbook of Public Economics, Volume 4, Alan Auerbach and Martin Feldstein, eds. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2002, 2327-2392.
“Introduction” (with Douglas Holtz-Eakin) in Making Work Pay: The Earned Income Tax Credit and its Impact on America’s Families, Bruce D. Meyer and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, eds., New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 2001, 1-12.
“Welfare, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Labor Supply of Single Mothers,” (with Dan T. Rosenbaum), Quarterly Journal of Economics CXVI, August 2001, 1063- 1114.
Health Insurance, Tax Policy
“Making Single Mothers Work: Recent Tax and Welfare Policy and its Effects,” (with Dan T. Rosenbaum), National Tax Journal 53, December 2000, 1027-1062. Also in Making Work Pay: The Earned Income Tax Credit and its Impact on America’s Families, Bruce D. Meyer and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, eds., New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 2001
Tax Policy
“Trends in Self-Employment Among White and Black Men During the Twentieth Century” (with Robert W. Fairlie), Journal of Human Resources 35, Fall 2000, 643-669.
“The Effects of the Unemployment Insurance Payroll Tax on Wages, Employment, Claims and Denials,” (with Patricia M. Anderson), Journal of Public Economics 78, October 2000, 81-106.
Tax Policy, Unemployment Insurance
“Taxes, Welfare Programs and Employment,” (with Dan T. Rosenbaum), National Tax Association Proceedings–1998, 191-197.
“Does Immigration Hurt African-American Self-Employment?,” (with Robert W. Fairlie), in Help or Hindrance? The Economic Implications of Immigration for African Americans, edited by Daniel S. Hamermesh and Frank D. Bean, Russell Sage Foundation, 1998, 185-221.
“Unemployment Insurance Takeup Rates and the After-Tax Value of Benefits,” (with Patricia M. Anderson), Quarterly Journal of Economics, CXII, August 1997, 913-938.
Tax Policy, Unemployment Insurance
Tax Policy, Unemployment Insurance
“Ethnic and Racial Self-Employment Differences and Possible Explanations,” (with Robert W. Fairlie), Journal of Human Resources, 31, Fall 1996, 757-793. Reprinted in The Economics of Migration, K. Zimmerman and T. Bauer, eds., Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.
“What Have We Learned from the Illinois Reemployment Bonus Experiment?” Journal of Labor Economics, 14, January 1996, 26-51.
Unemployment Insurance
“Workers’ Compensation and Injury Duration: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,” (with W. Kip Viscusi and David Durbin) American Economic Review, 85, June 1995, 322-340.
“Natural and Quasi- Experiments in Economics,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 13, April 1995, 151-162.
Research Methods and Econometrics
“Lessons from the U.S. Unemployment Insurance Experiments,” Journal of Economic Literature, 33, March 1995, 91-131.
Unemployment Insurance
“The Extent and Consequences of Job Turnover,” (with Patricia M. Anderson) Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Microeconomics 1994, 177-248.
Labor Market Turnover
“A Longitudinal Analysis of Young Entrepreneurs in Australia and the United States” (with David Blanchflower), Small Business Economics, 6, February 1994, 1-19.
“The Unemployment Insurance Payroll Tax and Interindustry and Interfirm Subsidies,” (with Patricia M. Anderson) in Tax Policy and the Economy 7, edited by James Poterba, M.I.T. Press, 1993, 111-144.
Tax Policy, Unemployment Insurance
“Unemployment Insurance in the United States: Layoff Incentives and Cross-Subsidies,” (with Patricia M. Anderson) Journal of Labor Economics, 11, January 1993 Supplement, S70-S95.
Tax Policy, Unemployment Insurance
“The Potential Duration of Unemployment Benefits and the Duration of Unemployment,” (with Lawrence Katz), in Issues in Contemporary Economics, Volume 2, edited by Marc Nerlove. New York University Press: New York, 1991.
“Unemployment Insurance, Recall Expectations and Unemployment Outcomes,” (with Lawrence Katz) Quarterly Journal of Economics, CV, November 1990, 973-1002.
Unemployment Insurance
“Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Spells,” Econometrica, 58, July 1990, 757-782.
Unemployment Insurance, Research Methods and Econometrics
“The Impact of the Potential Duration of Unemployment Benefits on the Duration of Unemployment,” (with Lawrence Katz) Journal of Public Economics, 41, February 1990, 45-72.
Unemployment Insurance
“Classification Error Models and Labor Market Dynamics,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 6, July 1988, 385-390.
Labor Market Turnover, Measurement Error, Research Methods and Econometrics
“Appendix on optimal instruments,” appendix to “Errors in Variables in Panel Data,” (with Zvi Griliches and Jerry Hausman) Journal of Econometrics, 31, February 1986, 114-117.
Measurement Error, Research Methods and Econometrics


Strategies for Improving Economic Mobility of Workers: Bridging Research and Practice, Editor with Maude Toussaint-Comeau. Kalamazoo, Michigan: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2009.
Making Work Pay: The Earned Income Tax Credit and its Impact on America’s Families, Editor with Douglas Holtz-Eakin. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 2001.
Tax Policy

Comments and Reviews

“Comment on ‘Guaranteed Income: SSI and the Well Being of the Elderly Poor,’ by Kathleen McGarry,” in The Distributional Aspects of Social Security and Social Security Reform, ed. by Martin Feldstein and Jeffrey B. Liebman, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002, 79-83.
“Comment on ‘Measuring Gross Worker and Job Flows,’ by Steven J. Davis and John Haltiwanger” in Labor Statistics Measurement Issues, ed. by John Haltiwanger, Marilyn E. Manser, and Robert Topel, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998, 119-122.
Labor Market Turnover
“Review of Self Employment: A Labor Market Perspective by Robert L. Aronson, Journal of Economic Literature, September 1992, 1521-3.