
Stephan Licha
The Divinity School is pleased to announce that Stephan Licha will be joining the faculty as an Assistant Professor. His appointment will begin September 1, 2023. Stephan Kigensan Licha comes to us from the Department of Japanese Studies at the University of...
Winter Quarter Lectures in Swift Hall
Jesse LeFebvrePh.D. candidate, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard UniversityThe Antifragile Hasedera Kannon: Disaster, Revitalization, and Karma in Medieval JapanWednesday, January 11, 4:30pm, Common Room Abstract: Buddhism is often described...
Why Buddhism matters in constitutional reform
A new interdisciplinary course at the University of Chicago Law School brought scholars from around the world together in a virtual format to study Buddhism’s relationship to constitutional practice. Read more here:...
Library Exhibit on Japanese Wood Carvings
A new exhibit at The Regenstein Library, entitled “Buddha, Jesus, and the Japanese American Community in Chicago: Wood Carvings by Harry Koizumi” is now available. The exhibit was curated by Paride Stortini, PhD Candidate, History of Religions, the University of...
Buddhism and Beyond: Sculpture from Buddhist sites in Early Historic India
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 2:30–6:30 Foster Hall 103 This half-day workshop will focus on sculpture from three different regions with important Buddhist sites in the early centuries of the common era: Gandhara, Andhra, and northern Karnataka. We will discuss the role of...