They’re like soliders’: Chicago’s Children Learning to Save Lives amid the gunfire,” NBC News
Bike Tour Brings Riders up Close to Chicago’s Race Riot History, WBEZ Chicago
Deborah Gorman-Smith named dean of the School of Social Service Administration, UChicago News
‘Down The Hill:’ Violence Often Rooted In Inequality – NPR Illinois
“Collaborating with the Community to Reduce Violence” SSA Magazine, 2017
“Neighborhood Effected” SSA Magazine
“It Takes a Village” SSA Magazine
“System of Support” SSA Magazine
“A New Plan of Chicago: 12 Ways to Heal a City” Chicago Tribune
“A New Plan of Chicago: Progress, Prognosis and You” Chicago Tribune
“Your Best Ideas to Improve the Lives of Disadvantaged Chicagoans” Chicago Tribune
“Big-league Boost, Community Support for South Elgin Middle School Assault Victim” The Courier News
“To Sever Violent Crimes, Support Families” Chicago Tribune
“Veterans, Gang Members find Peace in an Unexpected ‘Brotherhood'” Christian Science Monitor