Our filmed public dialogue series brings together scholars of print revolutions past and present with practitioners working on the frontiers of today’s information revolution. These are not formal presentations, but freeform discussions in which experts bounce ideas off each other, discovering rich parallels between our work and sharing them in real time. Filmed from October through November 2018, the eight dialogues bring together historians, editors, novelists, poets, and activists.
The videos below record these discussions, including full-length videos (left) & best-of short videos (right). All videos feature English language subtitles. You can embed these videos, or watch them as sequential playlists through our project YouTube channel.
Clink on the links below to jump down to the videos each session:
- Session 1: Introduction (or read the text-only transcript of Session 1)
- Session 2: Censorship’s Historical Consequences (or read the text-only transcript of Session 2)
- Session 3: Theory and Practice of Freedom of Expression (or read the text-only transcript of Session 3)
- Session 4: Ownership of News (or read the text-only transcript of Session 4)
- Session 5: Data About Data Suppression (or read the text-only transcript of Session 5)
- Session 6: Changes in Media Technology Small and Large (or read the text-only transcript of Session 6)
- Session 7: Policing Performance (or read the text-only transcript of Session 7)
- Sessions 8 and 9: Controlling Readers, Policing Reception (or read the text-only transcripts of Session 8 and Session 9)
Session 1: Introduction, Censorship & Information Control During Information Revolutions
In this session our three co-organizers introduce the questions of the series. Are there patterns in how revolutions in information technology stimulate new forms of information control? What can earlier information revolutions teach us about the digital revolution? How do real historical cases of censorship tend to differ from the centralized, well-planned censorship that Orwell’s 1984 teaches us to expect? How can forms of information control which were not intended as censorship have similar consequences to censorship, with or without human agency? Watch the video below or see the text-only transcript.
- Adrian Johns (printing history, history of copyright, radio, piracy)
- Ada Palmer (Inquisition, pre-modern European censorship, censorship of comic books)
- Cory Doctorow (digital information policy) by teleconference.
Session 2: What Are Censorship’s Historical Consequences?
Censorship’s attempts to destroy a book, strengthen a regime, or silence a movement often fail in those direct objectives but have other profound effects on literature, culture, language, even identity. This week we set aside dystopian stereotypes to examine the real cultural effects of attempts at censorship, comparing the cases of post-colonial Sri Lanka, contemporary Lebanon, Jews in pre-modern Europe, the Inquisition, and the modern USA. See also the text-only transcript of Session 2.
- Antony Grafton (Renaissance & early modern book history)
- Gehnwa Hayek (censorship of comics in contemporary Lebanon)
- James Larue (American Library Association Office of Intellectual Freedom)
- Mary Anne Mohanraj (literary consequences of colonialism in Sri Lanka)
- Cory Doctorow (digital information policy)
- Plus series hosts Ada Palmer and Adrian Johns
Session 3: Theory and Practice of Freedom of Expression.
One of the thorniest faces of free speech debate is the tension between free expression as an abstract principle and kinds of speech that harm, such as hate speech, incitements to violence, or uses of information which can cause economic damage or threaten security or privacy. And technologies change how information can move, and harm. This week we put a historian of the earliest post-printing-press debates over free speech in dialog with a historian of the information practices of hate groups in America. Watch the video or read the text-only transcript here.
- Kathleen Belew (use of technologies by modern US hate groups)
- David Copeland (history and origins of free speech debates)
- Kate Klonick (internet law)
- Cory Doctorow (digital information policy)
- Plus series hosts Ada Palmer and Adrian Johns
Session 4: News, Politics and the Ownership of Information
New news media have been a hot topic in political analysis the past few years. This week we compare current news media’s growing pains to how news platforms and networks also transformed radically in the first centuries of print’s dissemination, especially the human social networks and agencies which strove to disseminate, control, and monetize news. You can also read the transcript here.
- Will Slauter (news in the early print period)
- Siva Vaidhyanathan (digital media & social networks)
- Plus series hosts Ada Palmer and Adrian Johns
Session 5: Data About Data Suppression
Evaluating the censorship practices of governments and other powerful organizations often faces the challenge that the censoring bodies themselves control the production and circulation of documents. This week we examine the documentary practices of censoring powers, by putting an expert on the institutional and administrative history of the Inquisition in dialogue with a specialist in contemporary government redaction, to compare the kinds of evidence interrogations generate, and how we can attempt to access the real activities of those censors who are protected by state backing. WARNING: discussions of torture and interrogation may be upsetting to some viewers. See also the text-only transcript of Session 5 here.
- Nicholas Davidson (Inquisition trials)
- Joshua Craze (contemporary state document redaction, Guantanamo Bay & other cases)
- Plus series hosts Ada Palmer and Adrian Johns
Session 6: Changes in Media Technology Small and Large
Practicalities of how creative works circulate—physical size, the cost of a copy, which venues can or will stock them, how they reach audiences—can exert enormous control over works, creators, and publishers, with effects similar to censorship even if no one intends it. And they can also be exploited to act as intentional censorship. This week’s experts discuss the impact of successive small innovations in media technology on book publication, comic books, and music. See also the text-only transcript of Session 6.
- Charles Brownstein & Ted Adams (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund)
- Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden (editors & publishers, Tor Books, Macmillan)
- Aram Sinnreich (digital music, piracy)
- Plus series hosts Ada Palmer and Adrian Johns
Session 7: Policing Performance
Performers and an audience—in a way, theatrical performance is a technology whose fundamentals have not changed since antiquity. This week we explore the history of theater censorship, using it as a contrast case to ask how information technologies have—or haven’t—affected a medium which seems so unchanging. You can find the text-only transcript of Session 7 here.
- Brice Stratford & the Droll Players (performing banned 17th century plays)
- Stephen Nicholson (UK theater censorship)
- Elsa Sjunneson-Henry (burlesque performance)
- Cory Doctorow (digital information policy)
- Plus series hosts Ada Palmer and Adrian Johns
Sessions 8 and 9 (two-day event): Controlling Readers, Policing Reception
Much discussion of censorship and information control focuses on creators, so we wrap up our series by examining how they affect readers, often by curating access, creating concentric categories of people who are permitted access to different materials. Social status, ethnicity, religion, language group, political affiliation, age: in this two-day event creators and scholars specializing in six different regions of the world will discuss how information control systems from the Inquisition to the Great Firewall of China have categorized and policed readers. See also the text-only transcripts of Session 8, and of Session 9.
- Kyeong-Hee Choi (colonial censorship in occupied Korea under Japanese rule)
- Wendy Doniger (author of a book censored in India)
- Alan Charles Kors (Enlightenment censorship & book regulation, free speech on College Campuses)
- Hannah Marcus (Inquisition licensing process, history of science)
- Stuart McManus (Iberian empires, Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions)
- Glenn Tiffert (contemporary China, internet censorship)
- Cory Doctorow (digital information policy) by teleconference
- Plus series hosts Ada Palmer and Adrian Johns