CinEQUITY will LEAD UCCCC researchers and community partners
from multiple sectors in making cancer health equity a SHARED vision and value.
Our Mission
The Center will serve as a hub to catalyze research aimed at eliminating cancer inequities, producing solutions to remove obstacles to health, and providing fair and just opportunities to be healthy. The Center will provide core resources to:
- Partner with community leaders to plan CinEQUITY’s research priorities and evaluate progress
- Catalyze initiatives across the spectrum of translational research and cancer care delivery
- Leverage Cancer Center / U Chicago resources and create new resources to support collaboration with communities
- Serve as a hub to create, train and support inclusive research teams
- Stimulate strategic discussion on funding priorities
Interventions developed by the Center will eliminate drivers that adversely affect excluded or marginalized groups (particularly Black and Brown communities living on the South Side) to enable individual and community agency and capacity. The Center recognizes the power differentials between our research group and communities leaders, advocates, and members. Thus, Center leadership is putting programs in place to support self-reflection, engage multiple voices, and embrace lived experiences of different stakeholder groups to ensure diversity of perspectives.
CinEQUITY Impact
Number Of Counties Served
Number of Residents Served
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Call to Action
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