Classical Antiquity and Modern Institutions in France (1600-1800)

Friday, October 4, 2019

Logan Center for the Arts 801



 Welcome and Introduction

Larry Norman, RLL, University of Chicago


10:30am – noon

Ancient Models, Modern Culture

Chair, Robert Morrissey, RLL, University of Chicago


John D. Lyons, French, University of Virginia

“Is There a Tragic Hero in French Early Modernity?”


Delphine Reguig, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne/IHRIM

“Peut-on écrire l’histoire de la monarchie absolue ? Littérature et historiographie sous Louis XIV”


Noon-1:30  Lunch Break


1:30 – 3:15pm

Royal Academies and Antiquity

Chair, Peadar Kavanagh, RLL, University of Chicago


Christelle Bahier-Porte, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne/IHRIM

“Pour une Antiquité moderne à l’Académie française (1707-1715)”


Anton Matytsin, University of Florida

“‘The Rise of Modern Paganism’ at the Académie des inscriptions”


3:15 pm Coffee Break


3:30 – 5pm

(Neo-)Classicisms in the Visual Arts

Chair, Esther Van Dyke, RLL, University of Chicago


Richard Neer, Art History and CMS, University of Chicago

“Theorizing Poussin in the 1660s”


Andrei Pop, Social Thought and Art History, University of Chicago

“My Own Private Rome: French Napoleonic Draftsmen as Ethnographers”