Forms and Guidelines
General Information
IES and COE fellows with funding can use the below documents to request use of their funds and reimbursement for expenses. All expenses should be approved before you request reimbursement. Typically, once reimbursements are submitted by the Department Administrator, it can take approximately two weeks for them to be processed and paid out during the pay period. Please submit the student certification for business related expense form to Stephen Raudenbush with the Department Administrator cc’d for approval.
University of Chicago Committee on Education Fellowship Grant Guidelines (for COE and IES fellows)
These grant guidelines may be used to guide students and provide more information about how grant funds can be spent. Please reach out to the Department Administrator if you have further questions.
Click here to download the University of Chicago Committee on Education Fellowship Grant Guidelines
Student Certification for Business Related Expense Form
Please use this form to request approval of use of your grants funds, IES or COE. This should be sent in advance. Send an email to Stephen Raudenbush and cc the Department Administrator for reviewal.
Click here to download the Student Certification for Business Related Expense Form
UChicago SSD LBC Reimbursement Form
Please use this form to request reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses. Itemized receipts must be included for each reimbursement.
Click here to download the UChicago SSD LBC Reimbursement Form