[Cognitive Workshop] next Thursday at 12pm Colleen Gangley

Please join us next week on Thursday January 17th for our first meeting of the Winter quarter, from 12-1:30pm in Beecher 101. Lunch will be provided.

Dr. Colleen Gangley (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) will present her talk entitled: “Cognitive, Affective and Social Factors Underlying Gender Differences in Mathematics Performance”

Ganley & Vasilyeva 2011 JAD

Abstract: Whether or not gender differences exist in mathematics performance is a hotly debated topic — though most research suggests that gender differences do exist in groups of high-performing students on difficult math assessments. In my talk I will discuss my research addressing factors related to gender differences in math performance. The first two studies I will discuss address both cognitive and affective factors, examining spatial skills and math attitudes as predictors of math performance for boys and girls, and testing the mediating roles of math anxiety and visual working memory in gender differences. The third and fourth studies examine how gender stereotypes might impact girls’ math performance, looking at the potential roles of stereotype threat and teachers’ gender stereotypical perceptions about boys’ and girls’ math abilities. I will also discuss some of the educational implications of this work.

Check out our blog :http://cas.uchicago.edu/workshops/cognition/Manage your listserv subscription here: https://lists.uchicago.edu/web/info/psych-cbb



Gerardo Ramirez

Stephen Gray

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