Our Care
Our kids deserve the best. It’s why we’re committed to providing the most advanced pediatric medicine possible with a holistic approach to care. The stories collected here demonstrate some of the incredible ways we were able to do that over the past year.
During last year’s COVID-19 Omicron surge, a team of Comer Children’s clinicians utilized their extensive cardiac expertise to plan for and save a teen who suffered cardiac arrest while he was being intubated.
When a gravely injured 6-year-old boy was brought into the Comer Children’s Emergency Department, a highly-trained, specialized trauma team assembled within minutes. Learn how they were able to save the young boy’s life despite a bullet lodged in his heart.
Advancing robotic urologic surgery in even the youngest patients
A surprising pediatric complication of Long COVID-19: Acute liver failure
When 2-year-old Esmeralda Perez was transferred to Comer Children’s with fever, abdominal pain and jaundice, she quickly developed acute liver failure. After a second biopsy revealed massive necrosis, Esmeralda was the recipient of a split-liver transplant, one of only 200 such transplants done in the US each year.