For Researchers

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Principles of Community Engagement
to be developed in partnership with the Community Advisory Board
  • Catchment Area and Community Data

                Our team can pull data on the cancer burden within our catchment area to inform your work on the cancer disparities and opportunities for more equitable cancer outcomes. We can provide data from the county level or Chicago community area level. Our community cancer profiles can be used to provide insight into the areas most affected by certain kinds of cancers, cancer screening disparities, and other health-related behaviors (e.g. tobacco use). To request a data package, please email

    Community-Academic Partnerships

                Our office brokers relationships between community-based organizations and University of Chicago researchers to provide opportunities for bidirectional collaboration on research projects and mutual understanding of community research needs. To request help finding a community partner, please email

    Community Outreach and Engagement Consultations

                We help cancer researchers design their studies through the lens of community engagement. We educate and advise on best practices for community recruitment and building collaborative relationships with community leaders and members to ensure that your work is serving community needs. To schedule a community outreach and engagement consultation, please email

Community Speaker
get involved and share your work. become a community speaker.
Mini Grants
Mini grant, past funded projects
Get Involved

Share Your Work

We provide opportunities for cancer researchers to share their work with diverse community audiences. We are happy to coordinate in-person and virtual options to share your research. Our team can work with you to provide feedback on your research presentation to make sure it is appropriate for a community audience—no topic is too complex! Please email to discuss options for presenting your research in a community setting.

Provide Community Education

Community groups and individuals are eager to learn from University of Chicago researchers and clinicians about various cancer-focused topics– including screening, prevention, treatment, research, and genetics. If you want to share basic cancer information about these or other topics virtually or in-person, please reach email to coordinate educational opportunities through our office.

Request a Physician or Researcher

Request a Physician or Researcher

Type of Speaker
Cancer Site (please check all that apply)
Is the event in-person or virtual?
Health Focus (please check all that apply)
Time of Event (If known)
Location of Event (If known)
Location of Event (If known)
Type of Event

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