The Computation Institute was a joint initiative of the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory that operated from 1999 to 2018. The CI was an intellectual nexus for scientists and scholars pursuing multi-disciplinary research and a resource center for developing and applying innovative computational approaches to complex, system-level problems in areas such as biomedicine, energy and climate, astronomy and astrophysics, computational economics, social sciences and molecular engineering.
The Computation Institute housed several research centers that brought together computer scientists and domain experts from UChicago, Argonne, and other institutions to tackle major scientific challenges. Many of these groups continue to conduct research at the University and Argonne. Click on the names below for more information on their past and current activities:
- Globus
- Urban Center for Computation and Data (UrbanCCD)
- Knowledge Lab
- Center for Robust Decision-Making on Climate and Energy Policy (RDCEP)
- Flash Center for Computational Science
- ATLAS Midwest Tier 2 Center
- Hack Arts Lab
- ARTFL: The Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language
- Center for Data Science and Public Policy
- Center for Spatial Data Science
- Center for Multiscale Theory and Simulation (now The Voth Group)
- The Beagle supercomputer
- Chameleon Cloud Computing Platform
- Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Disease
This website serves as an archive for the news items published on the CI website between 2012 and 2018. To find articles, please go here and search using the icon in the top menu.
For additional information on ongoing computational research projects at the University of Chicago, visit the UChicago Department of Computer Science, the Center for Data and Computing, or the Argonne website. If you have questions about the Computation Institute, contact Rob Mitchum, rmitchum at uchicago dot edu.