Milan Svolik and Svitlana Chernykh, Wednesday May 1

Please join us tomorrow to welcome back to UChicago a former graduate student in our department, Milan Svolik (now professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), and Svitlana Chernykh. They will be presenting a paper which is part of book project entitled “Democratization in the Age of Elections”. Bogdan Popescu will be the discussant.

I sent the paper to our mailing lists earlier todayy.


PS. Here is a link to professor Svolik’s most recent book.

Guillermo Trejo and Sandra Ley, Wednesday April 17

This Wednesday a former UChicago PhD student now teaching at the University of Notre Dame -Guillemo Trejo- will be presenting a co-authored paper that looks very interesting (especially for those interested in the topic of organized crime and violence in Mexico). The paper’s title is “Votes, Drugs, and Violence. Subnational Democratization and the Onset of Inter-Cartel Wars in Mexico, 1995-2006”. Manuel Cabal will be the discussant.

I will send a copy of the paper to our mailing list tomorrow morning.

Jose Antonio Hernandez and Lorenzo Bernal, Wednesday April 10

Next week a co-author (Lorenzo Bernal Verdugo) and I (Jose Antonio Hernandez Company) will be presenting a paper we have been working on for the last 9 months. The title of the paper is “Why Parties? A Theory of Opposition Party Formation in Authoritarian Settings”. Our discussant will be Mark Deming. I hope to see you all there!

I sent a copy of the paper earlier today to the workshop’s mailing list.

Amanda Blair, Wednesday April 3

Please join us tomorrow for our first session of the Spring Quarter (April 3, 5pm). Our guest will be our PhD student, Amanda Blair. She will be presenting the paper “Rape as Atrocity: Understanding the Limitations of International Law″. Claire McKinney will be our discussant.

The paper will go out over the comparativepol and polsal lists today.


The Spring 2013 Schedule is now available!

The Comparative Politics Workshop welcomes everyone back to the final quarter of the 2012-2013 academic year. Here is the final Spring Quarter Schedule (CPW_Spring2013).

 As always, the workshop meets on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm in the seminar room at Wilder House, 5811 S. Kenwood Ave.
Our first meeting of the quarter is tomorrow (April 3) at 5:00 pm. Refreshments will be provided. We hope to see everyone there!
If you are interested in discussing or presenting a paper, or have any further questions, please contact the workshop coordinator, Jose Antonio Hernandez, at