The Comparative Politics Workshop serves as a critical forum for the presentation of work-in-progress in the field of comparative politics. Comparative politics is a broad and methodologically eclectic field. The common thread running through the research presented in our workshop is the search for broad theoretical propositions and fresh empirical insights through the comparative study of politics. The types of questions raised in this workshop include: What explains the levels of violence in civil wars? Under what conditions do clientelism and patronage politics emerge? Why do poor people sometimes migrate internationally to countries that are just as poor as the countries they left? If economic growth encourages democratization, is this because modern economies are wealthier or because they are more egalitarian? Do democracies affect public policies differently than authoritarian regimes?
In AC 2023-2024, the workshop will meet in-person on Tuesdays from 3:30 PM to 4:50 PM. Copies of the paper will be distributed by email one week in advance. To be added to our mailing list, click here. To access calendars from previous academic years, click here.