Integrated Light Microscopy Core

Bruker Light Sheet Virtual Seminar and On-Site Demo

Bruker Light Sheet Virtual Seminar and On-Site Demo

Join us Thursday February 1st, 2024 from 1-2pm as Bruker hosts a free 60-minute virtual seminar on Light-Sheet Imaging with Luxendo. To register for this event, click here! This presentation will primarily focus on the MuVi SPIM, Bruker’s multi-view light-sheet...
Tomocube Demo

Tomocube Demo

Now through December 8th, 2023 the light Microscopy Core will have a demo of the Tomocube HT-2H. This Tomocube holotomgraphic microscope is fast with label-free 3D imaging. Think of it like DIC that is isotropic and can section a bit like confocal. It uses SIM-like...
New AxioObserver 7

New AxioObserver 7

The light microscopy core has retired the Zeiss Axiovert200 and acquired a brand new Zeiss AxioObserver 7! To learn more about this new widefield microscope, you can checkout this video describing its functionality. The AxioObserver 7 has been added to our booking...