Integrated Light Microscopy Core

Tomocube HT-X1 Label Free Live Cell Imaging Demo

Tomocube HT-X1 Label Free Live Cell Imaging Demo

  The Core is hosting a two week demo of the Tomocube HT-X1 Holotomographic imaging system.  This system is for 3D, label-free imaging of live samples and is capable of both rapid, high throughput imaging AND long-term monitoring.  We have a brief PowerPoint on...

Meet Our New Core Staff!

Our founding Directors, Vytas Bindokas and Shirley Bond, have retired. While they enjoy their new-found interests, the Core continues to serve the University under the direction of Christine Labno.  She is pleased to introduce two new Core staff members –...

Abbott 129 site CLOSED

On Tuesday, December 13, 2022 we moved the 3i Marianas and Leica 2-photon microscopes from Abbott 129 to the main site in KCBD 1250. The microscopes are re-assembled and available for use. The Abbott site is now closed for remodeling into space for another Core....

Abbott server decommissioned

As part of the move out of Abbott 129, the two Core data servers have been combined into one and the Abbott (IP ending in .24) server is no longer in use. If you had data on that server as of Monday, December 12, 2022, it is now on the KCBD (IP ending in .31) server....