Diabetes Group Visit Toolkit

7. Graduation and Follow-Up

Time to celebrate!

Consider doing something special at the final group visit session to celebrate everything the group has learned and accomplished.

Some ideas to mark patients’ completion of the program:

  • Host a graduation party
  • Have a potluck or healthy recipe exchange
  • Print out a certificate for each patient (mail them if you’re meeting virtually)
  • Take a group photo (screenshot if you’re virtual)
  • Play a Jeopardy style game to review concepts from the previous sessions
  • Raffle off fun prizes, gift cards, or diabetes self-care items
  • Encourage people to share what they are most proud of or what goal meant the most

Keep up the good work!

Be sure to talk with the group about how they will maintain behavior changes and improvements in their health after the program ends. This conversation can begin before the final visit.

Strategies for sustained behavior change:

  • Discuss potential challenges and brainstorm possible solutions. Have the group identify triggers, events, and situations that make self-management difficult, such as holiday parties, travel, bad weather, or getting sick. Use “what if…” scenarios to help patients identify and rehearse solutions to challenges they may face.
  • Teach process rather than content. Empower patients to be proactive about their diabetes care with skills like tracking their self-management, staying up-to-date on labs and exams, and communicating with their PCP when they have questions or problems. Model for them how to identify and use resources and social support networks. Coach them on how to set SMART goals and keep themselves accountable.
  • Make a plan for follow-up. Make sure patients have their next visits scheduled with their PCPs. Consider having a booster group visit session a few months later, or designate a team member who will reach out to patients periodically after the program ends to see how they are doing. Link patients to other ongoing education or support groups at your health center or in the community.
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