Campus Dining Advisory Board (CDAB)

The Campus Dining Advisory Board (CDAB) is constituted to provide student perspective and advice to UChicago Dining regarding structural and financial issues affecting the campus dining program.  Food service units in the campus dining program include three residential board units (Bartlett, Baker and Cathey), the C-Shop and Hutch Commons in the Reynolds Club, the campus markets (Maroon Market and Midway Market), and the campus cafes (GCIS, Quantum, Law, Press, Tiffin, and Logan).

CDAB is part of a system of advisory groups that include one “local” dining committee for each of the residential dining halls.  Local dining committees provide a mechanism for frequent student feedback on quality of food and service that are relevant primarily to one particular dining unit and do not have wide-ranging impact.  Issues that rise to the level of systemic service problems at one particular unit (e.g., consistent shortfalls in popular items or a pattern of poor customer service) may also be reviewed by CDAB. 

The following are examples of macro-level issues usually considered by CDAB:

  • structural elements of dining operations (e.g., hours of operation, number of units in operation, diversity of preparation styles and methods (e.g., vegan, halal, kosher)
  • review of policy and practice that may affect the cost or structure of the meal plans (e.g.,  importance of house tables, meal plan requirements, desirability of special events in dining halls, support for charitable causes or house events)
  • quality of the dining experience (food, environment, menu variety, healthfulness, support of communities )
  • to consider proposals for changes in current services to enhance customer satisfaction or enhance effectiveness of current operations
  • to advise in long-range strategic planning

The Advisory Board is chaired by the Directors of UChicago Dining.  The Inter-House Council and Student Government are requested to appoint three students each to the Board each year.  Other members include:  An Associate Director in Housing and Residence Life (or designee), the Director of the Center for Leadership and Involvement (or designees), the senior Dining Services management team.  The Advisory Board shall meet at least two times in Fall Quarter and three times in Winter and Spring Quarters.