Meal Plan Terms and Conditions

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  • Meal plans are only valid in the quarter for which they are purchased, and will expire on the last day of that quarter.
  • There are no refunds for unused meals.
  • Remaining Maroon Dollar balances will roll over to future quarters, but always expire at the end of the spring quarter.
  • There are no refunds for unused Maroon Dollars.
  • Once purchased, meal plans cannot be downgraded or canceled unless such changes are made before the end of the first week of a quarter. Upgrades are allowable at any time.
  • Starting in the second week of classes, newly purchased meal plans will be prorated. Prorated plans cost less, but start out with fewer meals and Maroon Dollars.
  • If a student is found to be ineligible for a chosen plan, the plan will be canceled, and the student will be notified of other meal plan options.
  • The meals associated with meal plans, with the exception of guest meals, are only for use by the individual associated with the plan and cannot be used for others.
  • Meal plan holders must always swipe in with a cashier before entering a dining hall.
  • Enrolling in a meal plan online or in-person or purchasing Maroon Dollar’s through GET holds the enrollee to these terms and conditions.
  • Academic meal plans come with Saturday Night Meal Swipes and 5 guest swipes
    • Unlimited, 3 meal exchanges, 100 Maroon Dollars
    • Phoenix, 15 meal exchanges, 150 Maroon Dollars
    • Apartment, 8 meal exchanges, 200 Maroon Dollars