For this weeks media create I played around with a music production app on the iPad called Auxy. The app has 4 different sections where you can change the sounds of the drum, bass, and 2 synths. The app was relatively easy and fun to use and very user-friendly. Auxy also allows the user to adjust the tempo, swing and major/minor aspects of the song.
The only trouble I ran into when posting this was saving the audio directly to the iPad. Auxy allows a user to export the recording in a number of ways including emailing, itunes, and using apps like AudioCopy or Airdrop and DropBox. I tried emailing the sound file to myself but found I was unable to save it directly from my email to my iPad. I also tried installing AudioCopy but could not figure out how to use it. I eventually gave up and ended up posting this from a sinc site since I couldn’t upload the file directly from the iPad.
Interesting limitation … something we should explore!
The Weekly Create is awesome! Thank you for pushing on the limits of the device! I love it!
BTW, you forgot your categories … I added them for you 😉
Oops, I got ahead of myself trying to post before 5pm. Thank you!
No problem! I really enjoyed the create work!
Funky beats! Nice – you might want to check out BEATWAVE…