7 thoughts on “Definition of Community – Team Right Shark

  1. Jay.Loomis@stonybrook.edu

    I really like the reference to “social interactions” to describe an important part of community; this idea compliments our focus on [BOUND TOGETHER] – we could combine these definitions to get: “…bound together by social interactions…”
    At the same time, Chris Stratis brought up the idea of belonging to a community of people that you may not have any interaction with; he mentioned the “community of dramaturges” as an example – if you “do drama” you are part of this community.
    “A group of living beings that share a common characteristic, united by a network of social interactions” is a great synthesis of the definitions that a Google search offers if you look up “community.”

    • Could there still be an interaction of a sort with the “community of dramaturges” even if not direct because they can still influence each other and the whole community whether by choosing to participate or not participate in that community?

    • To echo Katherine’s point, we are a part of the global community yet we do not have direct connection to people across the globe. Despite that the decisions we make effect the world as a whole.

      • Just to sort of synthesize and Echo Kate and Chris’s points–It is interesting to see/realize that no matter how hard you try to not associate or affect with a particular community, there will still always be one that you belong to. In this respect we can use the term “social categories” since we are talking about an idea of identity. It can be race, religion, career, location–whatever. You are never completely alone. It’s actually sort of poetic if you think about it.

  2. True, we discussed this aspect somewhat. We were stuck on the wording a bit and tried to shift it from having direct interaction with one another to more of an idea of people having interaction with people in common, so like even though I had never spoke to Jeanette Yew before today, we were in the same community.

  3. Katherine.Hopkins@stonybrook.edu

    I like that you guys didn’t just limit your definition of community to human beings. Our group had trouble deciding if we should include animals in a definition of community so it’s interesting to see that you guys had a broader definition.

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