Responding to Wenger's Communities of Practice

Wenger’s writings on Communities of Practice took me some time to digest. I found the concept to be interesting when applied to the learning environment but I admit that this was a difficult reading for me.  I am curious to know how communities can interact with one another? Would that be considered a community with in a larger community or perhaps an ecosystem of coexisting overlapping communities of practice? I am also curious about how to make a community thrive. I recently read an article that claimed that we dedicate too much time to work related meetings ( we “waste” too much time with introductions, chit chat and not getting to the point, but Wenger disproves this and argues that this can be useful part of a working community of practice. I have seen this during my time working at the craft center. The main staff that work there have an extremely diverse background but function coherently. The staff assume different roles depending on their own competence.  Their job is to create successful and well managed events for students but like the claims managers discussed in the reading, requires so much more to function as a successful community of practice.

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