Weekly Create – Katherine

For this week’s weekly create I used a timelapse I took with the iPad of me getting ready and edited and added music using an app called “Video Editor for vine, Instagram – free edition.” I love all the different photo and video editing apps that the App Store offers. I was surprised by how many different effects and filters could be added without even using a laptop.

4 thoughts on “Weekly Create – Katherine

  1. Cool video. I love how you can still use your phone while doing your hair 🙂

  2. so cool! great choice of music 🙂

  3. Awesome … I’ve said it on a few posts, but my 13 year old and I were looking through some of the creates last night and marveled at how you can use the phone and a hairdryer — she deadpanned, “that’s easy Dad, but I guess you wouldn’t know about using a hair dryer.” Great video!

    • Katherine.Hopkins@stonybrook.edu

      I was texting my friend who I was making wait on me while I got ready. I’m used to constantly being on my cell phone. I just laughed out loud in class at your daughters comment, that’s too funny.

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