I use Scannable every single day to make my life easier. I am a huge Evernote user, but I take a ton of handwritten notes — especially in meetings where I am given handouts. I used to take them back to my office and put them in a real scanner. Now I use my phone and Scannable.
My favorite feature of the app is that you don’t have to pay close attention to how you take pictures because Scannable will generally make them look better for you once they’ve become PDFs. Blurred text, unclear borders, slightly tilted perspective – in most cases, Scannable can adjust everything automatically, which makes for a solid user experience.
You’re not a fan of stylus + note taking app?
you could eliminate the scan step…
I can do that, but there are times that paper and pen just work better for me. I like all digital, but sometimes the context of the meeting just isn’t right for all digital. I find that I take a ton of handwritten notes to keep the distraction of the digital space out of the way.
That makes sense… sometimes when people see a tablet (or especially a phone) they immediately think: “he’s not listening to me.” But when they see someone taking notes using paper and pen they think: “WOW! He’s really paying attention to what I’m saying.”