7 thoughts on “Too Disruptive's Disruptive Technology: Reddit

  1. No comment on the video yet … I was hoping this would have been posted according to the instructions both in the Assignment Overview and the out of class work from the Week 5 Post:

    “Continue working on your Team Videos and post them to the course site via a YouTube or Vimeo embeds with a short overview of what technology you focused on and why you chose to explore it by noon on 3/5/2015”

  2. I love seeing the team conversation in the google doc below the video. That is really an interesting context to view the video in.

  3. Chris Williams

    Great work Too Disruptive! I’m sorry to hear your first reddit experience was bad Richard. Reddit is a great place as Chris will keep telling you.

    • It’s alright! I did start to enjoy it in the end for the most part. I do wonder if I will ever truly use it though. I like knowing that it is there if I need it, but I’m not sure if I will ever become a true redditor.

      • I’m sort of the same way about Reddit. I check it out occasionally, especially certain subreddits like technology and stuff but I’ve never felt like a true part of the community.

  4. Great video, the music certainly brings back memories of McLuhan.
    As McLuhan would refer to this, a newer generation, a newer technology. Younger generations are growing with this direct access to this type of apps and information, having such an early exposure to this will prove to be and advantage in the future.

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