6 thoughts on “Mini Design Challenge

  1. I’m not that wild about the colors, although this isn’t really my area. I’d prefer a red, white, and black theme for Stony Brook’s colors.

    The contact email addresses should be clickable (mailto:) and the phone numbers should be clickable (tel:) for people browsing the site on a phone.

    • Actually I did just load the page in the iOS Simulator and the phone numbers are clickable there. I guess they made them not clickable on desktop because it might be confusing.

  2. I think the information in the white box under the login is useful, but its format is not very compelling. A few possible changes:
    – “Stony Book University Blackboard Service Page.” correct the spelling of Stony B[r]ook.
    – [Need Help? Check the Stony Brook University Blackboard Service Page.] Make this phrase large and clickable, at the top of the white box. Get rid of “support for Blackboard” – it’s redundant.
    – Make the table centered within the white box… explore different color combos (Red & Black?)
    – Put the date at the bottom (if it has to be there at all).

  3. I agree with Ken any Jay’s comments. I also think the background is functioning more like wall paper and does not add anything to the site. Since blackboard is very text based, it would be interesting if was possible to have randomized images appear as the background that relate to different courses at Stony Brook, giving it more of a relation to the university as a posed to a generic site.

    • Katherine.Hopkins@stonybrook.edu

      I agree with you that the background is serving mostly as a type of wallpaper, rather than serving any type of purpose. I think it would be awesome to have changing background photos that randomize, kind of like how the header of the blog operates. The photos could show different professors or students learning in the classroom.

      I also think links and outside resources for tutors or hours for learning centers on campus should be listed on the homepage.

    • I really like the idea of utilizing images from across various classes, classrooms, learning spaces!

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