This app idea is inspired by the podcast about the racism that was revealed on the Colgate campus through the app YikYak. After listening to this disturbing story, I tried to imagine what kind of app could be useful for improving race relations on college campuses.
I’m convinced that one of the main causes of racism is ignorance, fueled and perpetuated by segregation. I’m sure there are plenty of college students who are interested in getting to know people who are different from themselves, but they don’t know where to find opportunities to interact with a variety of people from different ethnicities and backgrounds. My solution is to create a social networking app that makes it easy for people from different backgrounds to meet.
For now, I’m calling this app InteGreat. Hopefully it will help people from different backgrounds get to know each other, which will erase ignorance and diminish the segregation that perpetuates racial tensions that exist on college campuses today.
Basically, InteGreat is a social media platform focused on helping people from different backgrounds get together and hang out.
Three main features of the app:
1 – EVENTS – People from different clubs and groups on campuses post events that are open to people outside their group.
2 – NEWSFEED – People post stories, articles, art, memes, WHATEVER, as long as it is related to the theme of integration and improving race relations.
3 – CHAT / MESSAGING – People get to know each other.
I think this is a terrific idea … I’m curious what others feel. Nice use of the Weekly Create!
I really like this concept, I don’t have experience of dealing with race relations but I did spend a lot of time working as a vp for a club in my undergrad years and one thing that always bothered me was that it was very hard to bring groups together and also break stereotypes so any app that could work to promote understanding of each other is worth exploring.