Using Blackboard

Hi all … I typically don’t use Blackboard or other course management tools like it when I teach, but I wanted to ask you — would you prefer that I do keep some information there as well? I am thinking at the moment of using it for announcements, due dates on assignments, and for grades. Anything else? I want all the writing to be public, so I will not have you put assignments there, but if there are interesting things you’ve seen other faculty do with Bb, please share those thoughts in the comments below! Oh, and by the way … Bb Mobile Learn isn’t all that bad for staying connected on the go.

Bb Mobile. Testing it on the iPad.

One thought on “Using Blackboard

  1. I think Blackboard is a perfectly good location to post announcements, reminders, and updates (but I will say I’m not a fan of anything else to do with Blackboard). At my previous school, I worked in the Online Learning Center and part of my job was Blackboard upkeep. Safe to say I’m done with it! I can’t think of any other system for announcements etc, but I’ll be brainstorming other technologies. Maybe we can find another app that wasn’t purposed for it?

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