This semester I’ve provided all of you with iPad Airs. Part of the deal with getting to use them for the semester is us working together to unpack the affordances of the devices in the context of being a college student.
To this end I am asking you to create individual weekly posts reflecting on the iPad as a part of your work/school/life interactions. Each week each of you will post to the course blog your thoughts related to this topic. I am interested in a few things specifically:
- What have you tried new with the iPad this week?
- What are you finding easy to accomplish with the iPad?
- What are you finding difficult to do with the iPad?
- What Apps are you finding most valuable?
- How has the iPad changed your workflow?
- What would you like to try with the iPad next week?
Each post will be worth 10 points and is due on Wednesday by 5 PM prior to class.
Each submission should use the categories, “Weekly iPad Reflection” and “Spring 2015″
There will be 13 Weekly Create Posts, each worth 10 points for a total of 130 points.