You will do much of the work in this course as part of a team. One of your team’s weekly assignments will be to post responses / reflections on the readings that you are doing. These responses will focus around the three themes of the course: Community, Identity, and Design — culminating with a synthesis. Each week your team will focus energy on one of the themes. We will cycle through the themes three times during the semester and at the end of each cycle you will attempt to connect the three themes in a synthesis posting. In addition, you will also be asked to post comments to the responses/reflections of the other team in the class.
When you are satisfied with your team’s weekly writing, ask one member of the team to post the reflection to the course blog by no later than 5 PM on Tuesday prior to the that week’s class. I encourage you to read the other team’s post and comment on it as individuals.
This means as a team you will make one reflective post per week.
I will provide you with several platforms to perform this work in. You are asked to utilize these technologies:
- I will create shared folders in Google Drive for you to easily perform collaborative work. Google Drive provides online and collaborative tools — word processing, presentations, spreadsheets, and forms. Any document placed in your team’s Google Drive folder will be instantly editable by the members of your team and myself. This is where I want your teams to work through the construction of both the weekly posts.
- There is a private group in Yammer that I will add you to. Yammer is an enterprise social networking service. Yammer has private and public messaging, collaborative document editing, and other features that will allow us to work together as a class and in your smaller teams. We will learn about how Yammer works to support us together.
- You will be added to this blog space as an author so you can easily create new posts and comments. This course blog is where all final weekly posts and your synthesis posts will be added.
- I will reserve the right to throw new technologies at you throughout the semester for us to investigate … be agile and go with the flow.
There will be eight weekly team posts, each worth 20 points for a total of 160 points. I have removed the requirement to comment on posts, but I encourage you to add comments … I will consider comments as part of the communication of the class.
Each submission should use the categories, “Team Post”, “Team Name” and “Spring 2015”
There will be 8 Team Posts, each worth 20 points for a total of 160 points.