iPad Apps to Consider

There are a lot of great apps to support all sorts of work flow on the iPad. I will add a few here and try to keep adding to this as you start exposing good ones throughout the semester. Please feel free to add any apps you find useful to the comments of this post as well. The links on the App titles open the iTunes App Store.

Apps I can’t live without:

  • Evernote: I use Evernote to keep nearly everything in order. I use it for so much, I could talk all day about how useful this one service is.
  • Scannable: I use this with Evernote to create very high fidelity photo based “scans” of my handwritten notes.
  • GroupMe: I find this much better than iMessages for lots of reasons. I have groups of all kinds in my GroupMe.
  • Yammer: The mobile app for the Yammer service is really pretty good. It lets me stay connected to all my Yammer groups and messages while on the go.
  • Hangouts: Fantastic for text, audio, and video chat. And with our Google Apps on campus it is a home run.
  • Drive: This is where I keep all my files and collaborative work documents.
  • Docs: Its like Word in a browser, but I like it more. The collaboration features make it a no brainer here at SBU.
  • Pocket: This is my go to “read later” application. I have tons of web articles clipped into Pocket for off and online reading.
  • 1Password: There are a few password managers on the market, but 1Password is my app of choice. I have different passwords for everything … thank goodness for 1Password.
  • Things: Beyond a basic to do list … sure Evernote can handle To Do items, but Things is built for it and I use it a lot.

Week 2: Apple iPad Seminar in Class

Week two is upon us and now is when we will really get things moving. I want to share some general thoughts on your posts and where we might want to go from here. We will reflect briefly on any lingering issues from week one and try to wrap up the idea of the Internet as a disruptor in general. This will let us set the stage for our first deep dive into our themes, starting with community. I will also introduce you to your team assignments and get you rolling on the Team Contract.

During class some people from Apple will be here to do a hands on session with us to help us get the most out of the iPads this semester. I am keenly interested in us really unpacking the affordances of the iPad as a tool to support learning and student work flow in general. I have asked Apple to focus mostly on how the iPad can support content creation of all types. In addition to the Apple team, there will be some folks here from around campus to learn a bit more about the iPad.

Week 2

Out of Class Assignments

Post via Email

This is a really only a test of a post via an email from my iPad. We can easily use mobile Safari, but I would like to make posting as simple as possible, so this is an option. I will provide instructions on how to enable this once we get together face to face. Our implementation of WordPress uses Shibboleth as the authentication method which is not supported on the App Store based iOS WordPress apps. If you know of one that works, leave it in the comments.

Week 1: Welcome, Overview, and First Assignments

So this is it. Week 1 … we are getting set to embark on quite the semester together. We will be spending three hours each week together having conversations about how technology is shaping the world around us — and in particular, how is it impacting us here on college campuses. Much of our time will be spent having conversations about the things we will be watching, reading, and making — in other words, I expect you to come ready to share what you are thinking about. Even today is influenced by a once very disruptive force — radio. After listening to an episode of Reply All, a podcast from Gimlet Media, I decided to completely redesign our time together today … and BTW, there will be a lot of that, so get used to it!

I want you to feel comfortable in exploring new thinking with our class … the class will only be as good as we make it together! And we are off!

  • Introductions and course background
  • Syllabus review
  • Meet our technology: Twitter and course hashtag #CDT450, Google Drive, Yammer, Diigo, Course Blog, the iPad, and (maybe) NoteBowl
  • Disruptive Conversation
    • Explore the notion of disruption and disruptive technologies
    • Explore the three themes of the course — community, identity, and design
    • Explore a story and unpack disruption through the lens of our three themes
  • Establish our shared “Weekly Create Post” guidelines and assessment model

Out of Class Assignments

What is disruptive innovation?